Zoho Interview Questions for Freshers
Zoho Interview Questions for Freshers 2022
Find the most recent Zoho Interview Questions for freshers asked in 2022.
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Zoho Technical Interview Questions
Question 1:- Write a program to count common subsequence in two strings.
Question 2:- Which Data Structure Should be Used for LRU Cache Implementation?
Two data structures are used to implement an LRU cache:
Queue: A doubly-linked list is used to implement a queue. The maximum queue size will be equal to the total number of available frames (cache size). The most recently used pages will be at the back, while the least recently used pages will be at the front.
Hash: A hash with the page number as the key and the address of the queue node as the value.
Question 3:- Write a program to check whether a string is a valid shuffle of two strings or not in C++.
Input Code:
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; bool isvalid(string first, string second, string result){ if(first.size() + second.size() != result.size()) { return false; } //Sort all the three string sort(first.begin(),first.end()); sort(second.begin(),second.end()); sort(result.begin(),result.end()); //iterate through the entire length of result string int i=0,j=0,k=0; while( k < result.size()){ //check if character of string first is equal to first character of result if( i<first.length() && first[i] == result[k] ) i++; //Check if character of string Second is equal to first character of result else if( j<second.length() && second[j] == result[k] ) j++; //If any of the above condition is not true then return false else return false; k++; } return true; } int main() { string str,str1,str2; //Take two string as input from the user cout<<"Enter the value of string 1 : "; cin>>str1; cout<<"Enter the value of string 2 : "; cin>>str2; cout<<"Enter the string that need to be checked : "; cin>>str; if(isvalid(str1,str2,str)){ cout<<"Yes its a valid shuffle "; } else{ cout<<"No its not a valid shuffle "; } return 0; }
Output Code:
Enter the value of string 1 : ADF
Enter the value of string 2 : PRE
Enter the string that need to be checked : PREPEP
No its not a valid shuffle
Enter the value of string 1 : xXD Enter the value of string 2 : CD Enter the string that need to be checked : xXCDD Yes its a valid shuffle
Question 4:- Write a code to print all permutations of a string.
Question 5:- What makes iterative waterfall models better than waterfall models?
In an iterative waterfall model, the client has access to a feedback loop to the prior phase, making it simple to modify the previous phase if necessary. In the waterfall model, this is not permitted.
Question 6:- What is the meaning of reentrancy?
It is a useful memory-saving technique for timesharing systems with multiple programs. A Reentrant Procedure allows multiple users to share a single copy of a program at the same time.
There are two major aspects to reentry:
- The program code cannot be modified.
- Each user process’s local data must be stored separately.
Thus, the code is the permanent part, and the temporary part is the pointer back to the calling program and the local variables used by that program. Each execution instance is referred to as an activation. It runs the code in the permanent section but has its own local variables/parameters set. The activation record is the temporary component associated with each activation. In most cases, the activation record is kept on the stack.
It should be noted that a reentrant procedure can be interrupted and called by an interrupting program and still execute correctly when returned to.
Question 7:- Write a code for Kadane's Algorithm.
Question 8:- Which Data Structure Should be Used for LRU Cache Implementation?
Two data structures are used to implement an LRU cache:
Queue: A doubly-linked list is used to implement a queue. The maximum queue size will be equal to the total number of available frames (cache size). The most recently used pages will be at the back, while the least recently used pages will be at the front.
Hash: A hash with the page number as the key and the address of the queue node as the value.
Question 9:- Write a code for Trapping rain water problem.
Question 10:- What are Support Vectors in SVM?
A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is an algorithm that attempts to fit a line (or plane or hyperplane) between the various classes that minimizes the distance from the line to the points of the classes. It attempts to achieve a strong separation between the classes in this manner.
Question 11:- Why does Java not make use of pointers?
Beginner programmers should avoid using pointers because they are highly difficult and dangerous. Java emphasises code simplicity, yet the use of references can make this difficult. The use of pointers might potentially lead to mistakes. Furthermore, the use of pointers compromises security since pointers allow users to directly access memory.
By not including pointers in Java, a certain amount of abstraction is provided. Furthermore, the use of pointers might slow down and cause errors in garbage collection. Java use references because, unlike pointers, they cannot be altered.
Question 12:- What is Cross-Validation?
Cross-validation is a technique for dividing your data into three parts: training, testing, and validation. The data has been divided into k subsets, and the model has been trained on k-1 of those datasets.
The final fraction is reserved for testing. This is repeated for each subgroup. This is known as k-fold cross-validation. Finally, the ultimate score is calculated by averaging the scores from all of the k-folds.
Question 13:- Why is the main method static in Java?
Because static members are those methods that belong to classes rather than individual objects, the main method is always static. So, if the main method is not static, it is available for all objects. JVM finds this unacceptable. The main function is called by the JVM depending on the class name. No, not by making the object.
Because the execution of the java program begins with the main method, there can only be one main method. As a result, the main method is static.
Question 14:- How to Tackle Overfitting and Underfitting?
Overfitting occurs when a model is overfit to training data. In this scenario, we must resample the data and evaluate model accuracy using techniques such as k-fold cross-validation.
In the case of Underfitting, we are unable to interpret or capture the patterns in the data; in this instance, we must adjust the methods or input more data points to the model.
Question 15:- Write a code for folding a linked list.
Also Check:-
Zoho HR Interview Questions
Question 1:- Tell me about yourself.
I came across your job description as a recent graduate. New positions bring with them new opportunities and opportunities for skill development. I believe I am an excellent candidate for this position. I learned programming on my own as a student from a non-IT background. During my college years, I was an active member of social welfare clubs as well as all of the college programs. I’ve also represented my university. I’ve created projects that you can find on Github, and I’m constantly learning new things. Perhaps my greatest strength is that I never back down from a challenge and always face a problem head-on. When given the chance. I would be a valuable asset to your organization.
Read more at: Tell me about yourself.
Question 2:- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
My strength, I believe, is understanding group work dynamics. I am a groupie who enjoys working and collaborating with others on various projects. So, when it comes to assigning roles, creating content, or working in multiple areas of a project, I have the ability to give proper directions and ensure that our task is completed in accordance with our goals and objectives.
During these years, I have worked hard to inspire my teammates to give their all while also maintaining cordial relationships among them. This has also assisted me in increasing my productivity tenfold during a specific task.
Read more at: What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Question 3:- What are you expecting from this job?
I’d like to work on a variety of projects with a variety of teams in order to work in an environment that encourages me to grow beyond the scope of this job description. I’m looking for a position that will allow me to use my skills and experience while also allowing me to grow professionally and personally within the company.
Read more at: What are you expecting from this job?
Question 4:- What are your plans for higher studies?
While I do not intend to pursue an advanced degree at this time, I am open to additional education, whether internal or external. Because technology changes so quickly in our industry, I try to keep up with it through my own personal research. In the past, my employer has also sent me to regular business training to ensure that my skills are up to date.
Read more at: What are your plans for higher studies?
Question 5:- Why do you want to join our company?
First and foremost, I’d like to express my gratitude for the wonderful opportunity to be interviewed at a reputable organization such as yours.
I understand that I am a newcomer, but I have always wanted to be a part of your organization’s workforce because it promises to be a place where learning is fun and hard work is rewarded.
We have always looked to organizations like yours to help me launch my career. I believe that working in a respectful environment allows one to achieve much more than working in an unappreciative environment.
This is one of the main reasons why your organization is at the top of my priority list. I assure you that I am driven to give my all to my work and make a significant contribution.
Read more at: Why do you want to join our company?