MeritTrac Syllabus and Online Test Pattern
Latest MeritTrac Syllabus for 2019
For MeritTrac Test Pattern 2019, below you will find the latest Syllabus for MeritTrac. This will be helpful for those who are preparing for MeritTrac Syllabus and the latest pattern for 2019.
Most of the websites have given wrong syllabus and spammed syllabuses with wrong information and random Syllabus, don’t trust any other than PrepInsta or Quora neutral articles.
MeritTrac Test Pattern 2019
MeritTrac Syllabus
Additional Facts
These are the companies that use MeritTrac for recruitment from on campus in college.
IT Mass Companies following MeritTrac Syllabus
- Cognizant
- Infosys
- Accenture
- CA Technologies
Other Companies
- Tesco
- Ernest and Young
- Sony – uses MeritTrac this year
Topic Wise Bifurcation
Number System
No Of Questions: 2
Time - 30sec - 55 sec
Difficulty Level -Low
Importance - Medium
Time, speed and distance
No Of Questions: 3
Time - 50-55sec
Difficulty Level -Medium
Importance - High
Pipes and Cisterns
No Of Questions: 3
Time - 50-55sec
Difficulty Level -Medium
Importance - High
Profit & Loss
No Of Questions: 2
Time - 30sec - 55 sec
Difficulty Level - Low
Importance - Medium
No Of Questions: 2
Time - 55 sec
Difficulty Level - Low
Importance - Medium
Critical Reasoning
Number of Question:- 1-2 Ques
Total Time:- 1 Min 10 Sec
Difficulty level:- Medium
Importance:- High
Number of Question:- 1-2 Ques
Total Time:- 45 Sec
Difficulty level:- Medium
Importance:- High
Data Sufficiency
Number of Question:- 2 Ques
Total Time:- 50 Sec
Difficulty level:- Medium
Importance:- High
Odd one Out
Number of Question:- 2 Ques
Total Time:- 50 Sec
Difficulty level:- Medium
Importance:- High
Linear Arrangement/ Seating Arrangements
Number of Question:- 2-3 Ques
Total Time:- 1 min
Difficulty level:- Medium
Importance:- High
Reading Comprehension
- Number of Questions: 9-10 Ques
- Difficulty Level: Medium
- Importance: High
- Suggested time to solve: 1min 30 Sec
- Number of Questions: 3-4 Ques
- Difficulty Level: Low-Medium
- Importance: Medium
- Suggested time to solve: 20-30 Sec
Synonyms & Antonyms
- Number of Questions: 3-4 Ques
- Difficulty Level: Low-Medium
- Importance: Medium
- Suggested time to solve: 20-30 Sec
Sentence Correction
- Number of Questions: 9-10 Ques
- Difficulty Level: Medium
- Importance: High
- Suggested time to solve: 30-40 Sec
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