Linear Search in C

Linear Search in C

Searching, in normal ways, can be coined as” to find the hidden thing”. In data structure.the searching algorithm is used to find whether a given number is present and if it is present then at what location it occurs.

There are two types of searching algorithm present in data structure through which searching any data become more easy.

  1. Linear search or sequential search
  2. Binary search 
TCS NQT Registration Steps Large
Time ComplexityO(n)
Best CaseO(1)
Worst CaseO(n)
Space ComplexityO(1)
Avg. Comparisons(n+1)/2


  • Step 1- Take array input and calculate the number of elements in the array call this as arr[]
  • Step 2- Take the input for the item to be searched in the array. Call this as item
  • Step 3- Linearly traverse the array using a for loop.
  • Step 4 –  For each array item check if arr[i] == item
    • If such condition is met print value and its position and return to the main function
    • If no such element is found and the whole array is traversed. Print not found
Linear Search in C

C Code:-

#include <stdio.h>

void LinearSearch(int arr[], int len, int item)
    for(int i=0;i < len;i++)
        if(arr[i] == item)
        printf("%d Found at index %d", item, i);
    printf("Not Found");

int main() 
    int arr[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};

    // calculating length of array 
    int len = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

    // item to be searched
    int item = 40;
    LinearSearch(arr, len, item);

    return 0;


40 Found at index 3

More about Linear Search


  1. Very easy to understand and implement
  2. Quick to write the code
  3. Ideal for Unsorted array
  4. Ideal for Array with lesser number of items


  1. Time complexity is bad O(n)
  2. Binary Search gives better, efficient and faster results
Linear Search in C

Using Recursion

This method uses recursion in C.

// Time Complexity : O(N)
// Space Complexity : O(1)
// Auxiliary Space Complexity : O(N) due to function call stack

int LinearSearch(int arr[], int index, int item)
    if(arr[index] == item)
        return index;
    else if (index == -1)
        return -1;
    LinearSearch(arr, index - 1, item);

int main() 
    int arr[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};

    // calculating length of array 
    int len = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

    // item to be searched
    int item = 30;
    int index = LinearSearch(arr, len - 1, item);

    if(index >= 0)
        printf("Item found at %d index", index);
        printf("Item not found");
    return 0;


Item found at 2 index

Time Complexity
For Linear Search







Space Complexity


Average Comparisons


Time Complexity
For Linear Search







Space Complexity


Average Comparisons


Quiz time

Quiz Time

Question 1. The average number of key comparisons done in a successful sequential search in a list of length is –

  1. (n-1)/2
  2. Log n
  3. (n+1)/2
  4. (n)/2

(Amazon – Mettl Test)

Just say if you have to find a given element in a sequential search. It can be found in the first try, then 1 comparison is required similarly…total comparisons can be 1+2+…+n = n(n+1)/2

Avg will be n(n+1)/2 divided by n ( total elements) = (n+1)/2

Ans. Option C

Question 1. The average number of key comparisons done in a successful sequential search in a list of length is –

  1. (n-1)/2
  2. Log n
  3. (n+1)/2
  4. (n)/2

(Amazon – Mettl Test)

Just say if you have to find a given element in a sequential search. It can be found in the first try, then 1 comparison is required similarly…total comparisons can be 1+2+…+n = n(n+1)/2

Avg will be n(n+1)/2 divided by n ( total elements) = (n+1)/2

Ans. Option C

Question 1. What is the best case for linear search?

  1. O(nlogn)
  2. O(long)
  3. O(n)
  4. O(1)

(Wipro – AMCAT Test)

If the item is present at the first index only then the time complexity in this best case is O(1).

Answer – D

Question 3. The worst-case occurred in the linear search algorithm when
  1. The element in the middle of an array
  2. Item present in the last
  3. Item present in the starting
  4. Item has the maximum value


If the element situated at the end of the array, so it takes maximum time to search for that of the element.

Ans. Option B

Question 4. What is the recurrence relation for the linear search recursive algorithm?

  1. T(n-2)+c
  2. 2T(n-1)+c
  3. T(n-1)+c
  4. T(n+1)+c


Since after each recursive call the size is reduced by 1 each time thus.

Ans. Option C

Data Structures and Algorithm Learn Searching PrepInsta


Searching algorithms are easy to learn but are really important for college semester exams and companies offering package between 3 – 6 LPA would ask direct searching questions in online test/ interviews.

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