Inheritance in C++

On this page we will discuss about inheritance in C++ .Inheritance is basically the ability for a class to be able to derive its properties from a different class. It is the most important feature of object oriented programming . So we will discuss inheritance in details along.
Inheritance in C++
Inheritance is a process in which one object acquires all the properties and behaviour of it’s parent object automatically . It is the most important feature of object oriented programming and allows –
- High code re-use
- Lesser time to code
- Easier to maintain application and edit codes
- Re-use pre-defined properties and data

Syntax for Inheriting Declaration –
class NameOfDerivedClass : (Visibility mode) NameOfBaseClass // Data Members and functions } In terms of Parent and Child nomenclature -class NameOfChildClass : (Visibility mode) NameOfParentClass{ // Data Members and functions }
Different Modes of Inheritance in C++
There are three different ways in which we can define relationship between base and derived class while defining inheritance –
- Public mode:
- Public members of base class become public in derived class
- Protected members of base class become Protected in derived class
- Private members are inaccessible in derived class
- Protected mode:
- Public members of base class become protected in derived class
- Protected members of base class become Protected in derived class
- Private members are inaccessible in derived class
- Private mode:
- Public members of base class become private in derived class
- Protected members of base class become private in derived class
- Private members are inaccessible in derived class

#include <iostream> using namespace std; // base class class Animal { public: void jump() { cout << "I can jump!" << endl; } void sit() { cout << "I can sit!" << endl; } }; // derived class class Dog : public Animal { public: void bark() { cout << "I can bark! Woof woof!!" << endl; } }; int main() { // Create object of the Dog class Dog doggy; // Calling members of the base class doggy.jump(); doggy.sit(); // Calling member of the derived class doggy.bark(); return 0; }
I can jump! I can sit! I can bark! Woof woof!!
Benefits of Inheritance
- This helps in reduce cost for projects
- Saves time in coding
- Decreases complexity of the program
- Increases reliability
Types of inheritance in C++
- Single Inheritance
- Multilevel Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- Hierarchical Inheritance
- Hybrid or Multipath Inheritance
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