Unpacking a Tuple in Python

Unpacking a Tuple in Python:

In Python, there is a feature of the tuple that assigns the right-hand side values to the left-hand side. In another way, it is called unpacking of a tuple in Python. In packing, we put values into a new tuple while in unpacking we extract those values into a single variable. 

Example :

  • ( a, b, c ) = tuple_name.
tuples in python

Tuples : 

Tuples in a python are nothing just a list in Python. Tuples posses same property as list except for one thing which is it is not mutable and instead of square brackets, it is represented using Parenthesis.  

Unpacking a Tuple in Python

Code 1 :

#Python Program 
# Program to understand about 
# packing and unpacking in Python
# this lines PACKS values
# into variable a as tuple type

a = ("Hi", 999, "Prepsters") 

# this lines UNPACKS values
# of variable a

(wel_w, num, org) = a 

Output : 

  • Sometimes there are n numbers of input in one line, which contains one or more variable at any end and an array of number or string. Here we can use this property (Unpacking a tuple in Python) which simplifies our work. 
  • Python uses a special syntax to pass optional arguments (*args) for tuple unpacking. This means that there can be any numbers of arguments in place of (*args). We can use any variable name in place of “*args”.

Code 2 :

#Python Program 
# Program to understand about 
# packing and unpacking in Python
#any number of input let's say it contains number in array , then array and then maximum value of array 

print('The given Tuple: ',ax)

#n will be size of array *a will be the array and c will be the maximum of array 
#value of at index 0 will be assigned to n and value at last index of ax will be assigned to c and rest will be assigned to a
#type of a will be list

print('The size of array: ',n) 
print('array: ',a)
print('Max of the array: ',c)

Input :

4 5 4 2 7 7

Output :

The given Tuple: (4, 5, 4, 2, 7, 7)
The size of array: 4
array: [5, 4, 2, 7]
Max of the array: 7

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