String split() Method in Python

String Split() Method in Python 

A string is divided into a list using the split() method. The separator can be specified; however, any white space is used by default. We can split() a string in Python very easily. The list will have the specified number of components plus one when maxsplit is specified.

split in python

String split() Method in Python

split() Method returns a list of string after breaking the given string by the given separator. 

Example : 

  • s= ‘A,b,C’
    • [  ‘A’ , ‘b’ , ‘C’ ]
String split() method in Python

Syntax : 

  str.split(separator, maxsplit)

  Parameters :

  separator: This is a delimiter. The string splits at this specified separator. It is not provided then any white space is a separator.

  maxsplit: It is a number, which tells us to split the string into maximum of the provided number of times. If it is not provided then
there is no limit.

Returns: Returns a list of strings after breaking the given string by the specified separator.

  • Let’s understand this with few codes.

Code 1

#python Program 
s='PrepInsta Prepster'

#split at whitespace 

#split at '-' 

#split at ',' 

Output :

['PrepInsta', 'Prepster']
['Prep', 'Insta', 'Prep', 'ster']
['PrepInsta', 'is', 'for', 'Prepsters']

Code 2

#python Program 

#split at ';' and maxsplit is 0

#split at '-'  and maxsplit is 2

#split at ','  and maxsplit is 4
print(s.split(',' , 4))

Output : 

['Prep', 'Insta', 'Prep-ster']
['PrepInsta', 'is', 'for', 'Prepsters']

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