Variables in Python

Variables in Python: 

In Python, variables are used to store data values. Variables are essentially names that refer to a particular location in memory where a value is stored. In the context of data storage, variables can be viewed as containers.

Python Variables

Variable in Python

In Python, variables are used as a container and when we assign a value, a variable is created.

There are some rules of Python variable:

  • Variable names must begin with either an underscore (_) or a letter (a-z, A-Z).
  • The remaining characters in the variable name can be letters, numbers (0–9), and underscores.
  • MyVar and myvar are different variables because variable names are case-sensitive.
  • Some reserved keywords in Python (including if, while, and for) cannot be used as variable names.

Tasks done in Python Variable:

Assigning a Value:

For Assign a value we use single equals sign (=).

Example: x = 32

#Here ‘x’ is a variable and it contain the value ’32’.


Casting is a technique that can be used to specify the data type of a variable.


  • x = float(3) #x will be 3.0
  • y = str(3) #y will be ‘3’

Get the Type:

The type() method provides the data type of a variable.


  • print(type(3)) #int
  • print(type(“Prepinsta”)) #str

Case Sensitive:

Variables are case sensitive.


X = 30
x = 3
#x will not overwrite 

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