Minimum no. of Jumps to reach the end of an array in Python

Minimum no. of Jumps to reach the end of an array in Python

On this page we will learn to create Minimum no. of Jumps to reach the end of an array in Python language. If not possible print -1.


  • Input: arr = [1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 2, 6, 7, 6, 8, 9]
  • Output: 3 (1-> 3 -> 9 -> 9)
  • Explanation: Jump from 1st element to 2nd element as there is only 1 step, now there are three options 5, 8 or 9. If 8 or 9 is chosen then the end node 9 can be reached. So 3 jumps are required.
Python program for Minimum no. of Jumps to reach the end of an array


Given an array of non-negative integers, Arr, of length N. You are initially positioned at the first index of the array. Each element in the array represents your maximum jump length at that position. Need to print the minimum number of jumps required to reach the last index. If it is not possible to reach the last index, print -1.


  • Initialize ans, i and set value zero
  • Run a while loop from range 0 to (length of array)-1
  • If i + arr[i] is less then length of arr
  • Increment value of ans by 1 and check if arr[i] is equal to 1
  • Increment value of i by arr[i]
  • Else increment the value of i with i minus index of max between arr index i + 1 to arr[i] + i + 1 of array arr
  • Else increment value of ans by 1 and value of i by arr[i]

Minimum no. of Jumps to reach the end of an array in Python

Python Code

def jump(arr):
    ans = 0
    i = 0
    while i < len(arr) - 1:
        if i + arr[i] < len(arr):
            ans += 1
            if arr[i] == 1:
                i += arr[i]
                i += arr.index(max(arr[i + 1:arr[i] + i + 1])) - i
            ans += 1
            i += arr[i]

    return ans

arr = [1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 2, 6, 7, 6, 8, 9]
print("Minimum no of jumps required to reach end of the array : ", jump(arr))


Minimum no of jumps required to reach end of the array : 3

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2 comments on “Minimum no. of Jumps to reach the end of an array in Python”

  • Mathavan SG

    #minimum number of jumps-
    def jump(arr):
    while r<len(arr)-1:
    for i in range(l,r+1):
    return ans
    print('minimum jumps of a array ',jump(arr))