Count Total Nodes in Circular Linked List

count nodes of a linked list in java

JAVA Program to Count the Number of Nodes in a Circular Linked List

In this page, we’ll take a look at a program to Count Total Nodes in Circular Linked List, a loop is required until the very first element reappears. Circular linked lists have a head and tail. The head marks the beginning of the list pointing towards the first first element whereas the tail is the last element that also points to the first element of the list. A loop iterates through the entire list and increases the value of a counter variable for every passing node.

Steps to be followed to create a program to count the number of Nodes in a Linked List

To count the number of elements in a circular linked list –

  • Intiate a count variable with zero 
  • Store the value of head in current variable.
  • Iterate through the loop increasing the value of count by 1 and changing the value of current to the next node.
  • Stop the iteration as soon as the current value equals to the head.
  • Print the count variable as the total number of elements in the circular linked list.
public void countNodes() {
        Node temp = head;
            temp =;
        }while(temp != head);
        System.out.println("Number of Nodes in the list is "+cnt);
Count nodes in Circular Linked List

Algorithm for writing the function to count Nodes in a Circular Linked List

  • countNodes()
  • Node temp = head
  • do while(temp != head)
    • cnt++
    • temp = temp->next

Code to Count Total Nodes in Circular Linked List in JAVA

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Circular Linked List

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Circular Linked List