Goldman Sachs Interview Experience

goldman sachs interview experience

Goldman Sachs Interview Experience

On this page you will find Goldman Sachs Interview Experience along with the Goldman Sachs’ Recruitment Process, Goldman Sachs’ Interview rounds and more.

Page Highlights:-

  • About Goldman Sachs
  • Goldman Sachs Interview Experience of Selected Candidates
  • Goldman Sachs Interview Questions and Answers
  • Interview Preparation

Goldman Sachs Interview Experience

On this page you will find Goldman Sachs Interview Experience along with the Goldman Sachs’ Recruitment Process, Goldman Sachs’ Interview rounds and more.

Page Highlights:-

  • About Goldman Sachs
  • Goldman Sachs Interview Experience of Selected Candidates
  • Goldman Sachs Interview Questions and Answers
  • Interview Preparation
goldman sachs interview experience

About Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs is an American bank and financial services company. It provides services in, investment management, asset management, prime brokerage and securities underwriting.

To know more about Goldman Sachs visit :

Recruitment Process

Goldman Sachs hires through:-

  • On Campus Drives
  • Off Campus Drives


Goldman Sachs hires for a number of profiles, including programmers, developers and analysts.


The general pattern for Goldman Sachs recruitment process consists of 6 rounds.

This may vary for certain colleges.

  1. Resume Based Shortlisting
  2. Aptitude Round
  3. Technical Round
  4. Technical Interview
  5. Technical Interview + MR Interview
  6. Technical Interview + HR Interview

Goldman Sachs Recruitment Process 2022 For Freshers

Interview Process:-

Goldman Sachs generally conducts 3 interviewers, each an eliminator round.

Technical Interview:

This is the first round, which Technical Questions.

Technical + MR Interview:

Clearing Technical Interview, you can sit for this round.

Here a combination of Technical and Managerial questions are asked.

Technical + HR Interview:

This is the final round.

HR questions are mostly asked but some Technical Questions are also included.

1. Goldman Sachs Off- Campus Interview Experience 2023

I applied for the Goldman Sachs Off Campus drive for the profile of Software Engineer. I got to know about this drive from PrepInsta’s website and I applied for the same. They had resume based shortlisting. I received an email with the link for the first round. The whole process consisted of 5 rounds in total. I will explain them as much as I can remember.

Round 1:  Aptitude Test

This round was conducted on Hackerrank platform. And the time duration was 90 minutes.


Number of Questions

Quantitative Aptitude20

The questions were easy, and I was able to clear this round with ease. You can prepare for this round using PrepInsta’s Goldman Sach quizzes. They are really helpful, and helped me a lot in my exam. After clearing this round, I got selected for the next round, which is the Technical Round.

Round 2: Technical Round

This round has coding questions and Technical questions.


Number of Questions

Quantitative Aptitude8
Computer Science7
Advanced Programming1

The coding round had two questions, one was easy the other was moderate.

1.Print matrix in zig-zag fashion

2.Write a code to replace a sub string in a string

  int main() {
        char str[256], substr[128], replace[128], output[256];
        int i = 0, j = 0, flag = 0, start = 0;
        //Accepts all the inputs
        printf("Enter your input string:\n");
        printf("Enter the string to be removed:\n");

        printf("Enter the string to replace:\n");
        str[strlen(str) - 1] = '\0';
        substr[strlen(substr) - 1] = '\0';
        replace[strlen(replace) - 1] =  '\0';

        // check whether the substring to be replaced is present 
        while (str[i] != '\0')
                if (str[i] == substr[j]) 
                        if (!flag)
                                start = i;
                        if (substr[j] == '\0')
                        flag = 1;
                        flag = start = j = 0;

        if (substr[j] == '\0' && flag)
                for (i = 0; i < start; i++)
                        output[i] = str[i];
                // replace substring with another string 
                for (j = 0; j < strlen(replace); j++) 
                        output[i] = replace[j];

                // copy remaining portion of the input string "str" 
                for (j = start + strlen(substr); j < strlen(str); j++)
                        output[i] = str[j];

                // print the final string 
                output[i] = '\0';
                printf("Output: %s\n", output);
        } else {
                printf("%s is not a substring of %s\n", substr, str);
        return 0;

In the advanced coding there was a graph based question.

After clearing this round I then attended the Technical Interview.

Round 3: Technical Interview

This was a virtual interview conducted on Hackerrank. The interviewer was very friendly and made me comfortable.

The interview started with him introducing himself, and then asked for my introduction.

The interview was mainly around my resume and programming questions.

There were questions on:-

1.What are static methods and static variables?

Static methods and Static Variables are shared by all the objects in a class.

2.What is the final variable?

Final variable is used to restrict the users from updating the variable. The final variable once assigned cannot be changed after that.

3.Any sorting algorithm.

I wrote the code for Merge Sort.


void mergeSort(int[],int,int);
void merge(int[],int,int,int);

void display(int arr[], int size){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++){
printf("%d ",arr[i]);

void main()
int a[10]= {11, 9, 6, 19, 33, 64, 15, 75, 67, 88};
int i;

int size = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]);
display(a, size);

display(a, size);

void mergeSort(int a[], int strt, int end)
int mid;
mid = (strt+end)/2;


void merge(int a[], int strt, int mid, int end)
int i=strt,j=mid+1,p,index = strt;
int temp[10];

while(i<=mid && j<=end)
temp[index] = a[i];
i = i+1;
temp[index] = a[j];
j = j+1;

temp[index] = a[j];
temp[index] = a[i];
p = strt;

4.He asked me in depth about my project

5.Code how to implement an n-ary tree

I was able to code the solution. Throughout the process, he kept asking me questions on my approach and gave me suggestions of alternate approaches.

After this round I was called in for the next Interview.

Round 4: Technical Interview

This was also a Technical Interview but there were questions about my academic qualifications and hobbies. The interviewer gave his introduction and then asked me to introduce myself.

He gave me two questions to solve:-

1.Find if string is k palindrome or not

2.Find the minimum number of platforms required for a Bus Station.



  • 1 <= N <= 10^5
  • 0 <= a <= 86400
  • 0 < b <= 86400
  • Number of platforms > 0


  • First line contains N denoting number of trains.
  • Next N line contain 2 integers, a and b, denoting the arrival time and stoppage time of train.


  • Single integer denoting the minimum numbers of platforms needed to accommodate every train.




10 2

5 10

13 5




The earliest arriving train at time t = 5 will arrive at platform# 1. Since it will stay there till t = 15, train arriving at time t = 10 will arrive at platform# 2. Since it will depart at time   t = 12, train arriving at time t = 13 will arrive at platform# 2.

import java.util.*;

class Main
public static void main (String[]args)
Scanner sc = new Scanner (;
int n = sc.nextInt ();

int a[] = new int[n];
int b[] = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = sc.nextInt ();
b[i] = sc.nextInt ();
b[i] = a[i] + b[i];
Arrays.sort (a);
Arrays.sort (b);
int i = 1, j = 0, p = 1, q = 1;
while (i < n && j < n)
if (a[i] <= b[j])
else if (a[i] > b[j])
if (p > q)
q = p;
System.out.println (q);

I was able to solve both the questions. Once he was satisfied with my codes, he gave me a puzzle. It was the Monty Hall Puzzle. I had previously solved it, so I gave him the answer.  He asked me whether I knew the solution beforehand. I honestly told him that I enjoy solving puzzles. He was impressed with that. He then asked a few questions about my college experience, including my favorite and least favorite subject, and what are my hobbies. The interview went really well and I was called for the final interview.

Round 5: HR Interview

The last round was an HR interview. There were some situational based questions like how do you work under pressure and leadership.

1.Introduce Yourself.

2.Can you work under pressure?

The interview ended and I got an email a few days later that I was selected for the profile.

This was my Goldman Sachs Interview Experience. Hope it helps anyone applying for Goldman Sachs.

To read other companies interview experiences, visit Interview Dashboard:

2. Goldman Sachs On-Campus Interview Experience

Goldman Sachs visited our campus for campus recruiting for an Internship.

The eligibility criteria for the hiring process was:-

  • Minimum cgpa of 7
  • All branches
  • No standing backlog

They gave a pre placement talk about the company and the role. They also gave insights about the work culture and company environment. After that the eligible candidates were required to submit their resumes and they would be selected via their resumes. We had to wait for a day, after which they sent emails to shortlisted candidates. Luckily I was one of them.

The recruitment process had 2 rounds, one Online Assessment and one Interview round.

Round 1: Online Test

Round 1 was an online assessment round. It was conducted on the Hackerank platform.

There were multiple sections including:-

Section 1    Coding
Section 2    MCQ on quants
Section 3   Advanced Coding
Section 4   Subjective Questions
Section 5   MCQ on DSA

In the MCQ section they had negative markings, deducting 2 marks for each wrong answer. The marks for the right answer was 5 marks. PrepInsta has a Hackerank page, where they explain about Hackerrank and what to expect in a Hackerrank exam. I read through that and it was really helpful.

You can find it here: What is Hackerrank? Additionally I practiced the Hackerrank quizzes and found many questions common in the exam.

In Advanced Coding my question was the Coin Game question, where a problem statement is given about a man who is playing a game of coins, and he has to win the game before his coins run out. We need to find the minimum steps in which he can win the game.

The solution for this question can be found here: Hackerrank Advanced Coding Questions

After the Online Test it took another week for the results to come. And a total of 50 students had cleared the round.

Round 2:-Interview Round

They only conducted one Interview Round. It went on for around an hour and they asked a lot of programming questions. The interviewer was a senior member of the company, and was very kind during the interview.

The interview started with introductions. I gave a short introduction of myself highlighting my coding experience and the coding competitions that I had participated in. He asked me questions on these competitions and was very impressed by them.

Some of the questions that he asked me were:-

1.In the chat box he gave me an unsorted array and a float value. The question was to find where the float value fits in the array. I wrote the code and he asked me to explain my approach.

2.What is a Binary Search Tree?

A binary search tree can be defined as a data structure that fulfills the following properties:-

  • The left sub tree must contain all the nodes containing the values than the root node
  • The right sub tree must contain all the nodes containing the values more than the root node.
  • Each of the left and the right sub tree must be a binary tree itself.

3.What are sorting algorithms? Give the code for any sorting algorithm.

A sorting algorithm rearranges a given data (List or array) into an order.

Quick sort:-

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Function to swap two elements. 
void swap(int* x, int* y) 
    int temp = *x; 
    *x = *y; 
    *y = temp; 
/* Partition function to do Partition
elements on the left side of pivot elements would be smaller than pivot
elements on the right side of pivot would be greater than the pivot
int partition (int array[], int low, int high) 
    //Pivot element selected as right most element in array each time.
    int pivot = array[high];    
    int swapIndex  = (low - 1);   //swapping index.
    for (int j = low; j <= high- 1; j++) 
        //Check if current element is smaller than pivot element.
        if (array[j] < pivot) 
            swapIndex ++;    //increment swapping index.
            swap(&array[swapIndex], &array[j]); 
    swap(&array[swapIndex + 1], &array[high]); 
    return (swapIndex + 1); 
//Recursive function to apply quickSort
void quickSort(int array[], int low, int high) 
    if (low < high) 
       /* indexPI is partitioning index, partition() function will 
        return index of partition */
        int indexPI  = partition(array, low, high); 
        quickSort(array, low, indexPI  - 1);  //left partition
        quickSort(array, indexPI  + 1, high); //right partition
//Function to display the array
void display(int array[], int size) 
    int i; 
    for (i=0; i < size; i++) 
        cout<< array[i]<<"\t"; 
//Main function to run the program
int main() 
    int array[] = {7, 9, 1, 3, 5, 2, 6, 0, 4, 8}; 
    int size = sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]);
    cout<<"Before Sorting: \n";
    display(array, size);
    quickSort(array, 0, size-1); 
    cout<<"After Sorting: \n"; 
    display(array, size); 
    return 0; 

4.What programming language do you prefer while solving codes in competitive programming?

5.What problems did you encounter while competing in these coding competitions? If you did, how did you counter them?

6.What do you know about Goldman Sachs as a company?

7.Suppose you are given a project where you have to work on technology “x”, which is mentioned in your resume but is not your strongest suit. What will you do? Will you work on it or ask for a different project?

8.Any questions for me?

I asked the interviewer about his experience in Goldman Sachs. My whole Goldman Sachs Interview Experience was really good. I got an email later that day saying that I was selected along with  the date for orientation.

Goldman Sachs Interview Preparation Course

In PrepInsta Prime, we have created a customized  Goldman Sachs Interview Preparation Course. This course includes:-

  • Goldman Sachs Interview Questions
  • Goldman Sachs Technical Interview Questions
  • Goldman Sachs HR Interview Questions
  • Goldman Sachs Coding Questions and Answers
  • Videos of candidates sharing their Goldman Sachs Interview Experience
  • and more….

To read more Interview Experiences of selected candidates, visit:

FAQ on Goldman Sachs Interview Experience

Question: Is the Goldman Sachs interview tough?


The difficulty level of any interviews is subjective to individuals. However we can say that Goldman Sachs in particular have lengthy interview processes where they can sometime take multiple interviews of a candidate.

Question: How many rounds of interview does Goldman Sachs have?


The total recruitment process of Goldman Sachs can include up to four rounds, including an assessment round and multiple technical and HR interview rounds.

Question: How do I pass the Goldman Sachs Interview?


The key to clear interview of companies like Goldman Sachs is to have good communication skills and be able to convey your answers to the interviewers in a comprehensive manner.

Question: How long it takes to get an offer from Goldman Sachs?


It can take up to four weeks to get the result after the interview. It is always recommended to keep checking your registered email id for updates.