Program to calculate length of the string using recursion in C

Length of the String Using Recursion in C

Here, in this page we will discuss the program to find the length of the string using recursion in C Programming language. We are given with string and need to create a recursive function that will return the length of the string passed to it.

Length of the string using recusrion

Algorithm :

In this method we will discuss the recursive way to find the length of the given input string

  • Create a recursive function.
  • Inside the main function call the recursive function by passing string and 0,
  • Now, the base condition of the recursive function is if(str[i]==’\0′) return 0,
  • Otherwise, we have to return 1+find_len(str, i+1).
Length of String Using Recursion in C

Code in C


int find_len (char [], int);

int main ()
	char str[100]="Let's Learn C Programming";
	int len = 0;
	len = find_len (str, 0);
    printf ("The length of the given string is: %d\n", len);
	return 0;


int find_len (char str[], int index){

	static int l = 0;

	if (str[index] == '\0')
		return l;

		l ++;
	find_len (str, index + 1);

Output :

The length of the given string is: 25

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