fputc() & fgetc() in C programming


File Handling: fputc() & fgetc() in C programming

fputc() and fgetc() are file handling function in C programming that are used to operate on data and strings present in the file. The perform different function and are used in different situation according to the needs.

fputc() & fgetc() in C programming:

  • fputc()- It is used to write a single character into an already opened file, i.e. to a specified stream. Its writes a given character at the position given by the file pointer into a file.
  • fgetc()- It is used to get a single character from the file into the output console. It returns the character present at the pointer and displays it.

Syntax of fputc()

int fputc(int character, FILE *stream)

Various part of Syntax:

  • Character- It represents the character that is to be inserted into the stream
  • Stream- It is used as a pointer which points at the stream or file where the character is to be written.



int main () {
   FILE *new;
   int character;

   new = fopen("file.txt", "w+");
   for( character = 19 ; character <= 100; character++ ) {
      fputc(character, new);


Syntax of fgetc():

int fgetc(FILE *point)

Pointer- It is used as a pointer which identifies the stream or file where the character is to be written by the operator.

Example 2:

void main()
    FILE *new;  
    char character;  


//Some simple text message or data of the file will be displayed.

Example using fputc() & fgetc() in C programming:

int main()
    int i = 0;
    FILE *new = fopen("test.txt","w");
    if (new == NULL)
        return 0;
    char string[] = "good bye", rec_string[20];
    for (i = 0; string[i]!='\0'; i++)
        fputc(string[i], new);
    newf = fopen("test.txt","r");
    printf("%s", rec_string);
    return 0;


good bye

Explanation of code:

  • In the first part of the code test file is opened in write mode and  fputc() is used to insert “good bye” into the test file.
  • In the last part of code, the test file is opened in read mode and fgets() is used to read the content of the file and display it on the stdout console.

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