Non Prime Attributes in DBMS

What are Attributes?

Attributes are the descriptive properties that each entity in an Entity Set possesses. Each attribute has a distinct domain or set of values from which it can derive its values.

In this article, we will learn about Non Prime Attributes in DBMS.

Non Prime Attribuutes in DBMS

Non Prime Attributes in DBMS

Attributes of the relation which does not exist in any of the possible candidate keys of the relation, such attributes are called non prime attributes. Non prime attributes also called as Non Key attributes.

Non Prime Attributes in DBMS

Examples :

Consider the following table:

67 Luke 22 Delhi 8353355366
68 Haley 19 Noida 7323598665
69 Luke 21 Mumbai 8656864365
  • [ID] : Every individual will have a unique ID so it is a prime attribute.
  • [NAME] : Two different persons might have same name, so it is non prime attribute
  • [AGE] : Two different persons might have same age, so it is non prime attribute
  • [CITY] : Two different persons might be living in the same city, so it is non prime attribute
  • [PHONE_NO] : No two persons will have same phone number, so it is not a non prime attribute

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