Top K Frequent Elements Problem

Top K Frequent Elements Problem

Given an integer array nums and an integer k, return the k most frequent elements within the array.

The test cases are generated such that the answer is always unique.

You may return the output in any order.

Top K Frequent Elements


  • 1 <= nums.length <= 10^4
  • -1000 <= nums[i] <= 1000
  • 1 <= k <= number of distinct elements in nums.

Top K Frequent Elements Solution

Recommendation – You should aim for a solution with O(n) time and O(n) space, where n is the size of the input array.

Hints for solving problems

Hint 1 :

A naive solution would be to count the frequency of each number and then sort the array based on each element’s frequency. After that, we would select the top k frequent elements. This would be an O(nlogn) solution. Though this solution is acceptable, can you think of a better way?

Hint 2:

Can you think of an algorithm which involves grouping numbers based on their frequency?

Hint 3:

Use the bucket sort algorithm to create n buckets, grouping numbers based on their frequencies from 1 to n. Then, pick the top k numbers from the buckets, starting from n down to 1.

There are mainly 3 approach to solve this problem 

  1. Sorting Method
  2. Heap Method
  3. Bucket Sort Method

1. Sorting Method

This method counts the frequency of each element using a hash map, then sort the elements by frequency in descending order and pick the top K elements.

  • Time complexity: O(nlog n)
  • Space complexity: O(n)


2. Heap Method

This method use a min-heap to store the K most frequent elements. Iterate through the frequency map, adding elements to the heap while maintaining its size at K.

  • Time complexity: O(nlogk)
  • Space complexity: O(n+k)

where n is the length of the array and k is the number of top frequent elements.


3. Bucket Sort Method

This method group elements by their frequency in buckets (arrays), then iterate through the buckets from highest to lowest frequency to extract the top K elements.

  • Time complexity: O(n)
  • Space complexity: O(n)


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