TCS email Writing Questions – 34

Write a mail to your colony head for clearing the location as there is mess around and garbage is not properly placed.

garbage – overflowing – dustbins – regular clearing – spread – road – diseases

Dear sir,

I am the member of srinagar colony. I want to inform you that our’s colony surroundings are becoming very dirty day-by-day. Their is no regular cleaning, so that huge waste material are spread over the road daily. Due to this garbage overflowing in our colony many insects are coming into the houses that which leads to several diseases. My suggestion is to provide dustbins at every line in our colony. So, please take serious action rang this compliant.

Thank and regards,


Solution 2

Dear Sir,

I am a resident of Aaruti Colony. This is to bring to your kind notice that there is a serious requirement of garbage cleaning in our locality. The lanes and the dustbins are overflowing with garbage and the municipal corporation people are sleeping as it has been a long time since the regular cleaning is done in our society. Garbage is accumulated on the road side causing foul smell and have become a huge source of spread of diseases. It is high time that some stringent steps need to be taken to clean the locality as soon as possible or else it will become impossible to survive here.
It is our earnest request that some action to be taken in this context.

Thanking you in anticipation