What are different Implementations of Python

Different implementation of python

Implementations of Python programming

Python is a programing language introduced in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. Python is the successor of ABC programing language. We have different implementations on the Python programming language. Implementation of the language is referred to as the program which provides support for the execution of a code written in python. Let’s have a brief overview of implementations of python.


We have many implementations of python programming in different languages. Some are:

  • Jython
  • PyPy
  • IronPython
  • Stackless Python
  • MicroPython


CPython is the implementation of the Python programing language in C language. The prefix “C ” denotes C programing language. This is a compiled programing language that converts the python code to the bytecode by compiling it, and then give the code to the interpreter. CPython was introduced in 1994 by Python community sponsored by Python Software Foundation. It is faster than the original python programing language because it is a compiled language. It is used as the Scientific and numeric calculations and also for creating python standard modules. CPython follows the coding rules and syntax of python programing language versions 2.x.



Jython is another implementation of python programming language. It was introduced on January 17, 2001, which written in java and python. Jython was designed to give support to the python programing language on the java platforms. Jython used most of the standard libraries of the python except for some modules written in C. Jython used classes of java instead of modules of the python programming language it can import and use any java class. Jython compiles python code to the java bytecode either on-demand or statically. The most recent release of Jython was Jython 2.7.2 on 21 March 2020 which is compatible with python 2.7.


PyPy is an alternative implementation of Python programming language. It is Python interpreter and a compiler toolchain which is written in RPython. Although PyPy is faster than Python programing language as it used JIT[Just-in-time Compiler]. Most of the python codes run well on this compiler except for some which are implemented in CPython. PyPy was first released in mid-2007 and got a stable release in 2020 as PyPy version 7.3.1. Meta-tracking is the technique used by PyPy which transforms an interpreter into a compiler also called as tracking just-in-time compiler. The current version of the PyPy is compatible with most operating systems such as Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.




IronPython is the implementation of python programming language which s targeting the .Net framework of Microsoft. The original author of the IronPython was Jim Hugunin who contributed in the initial version of the IronPython. The initial implementation of IronPython was released on Sept 5 2006. Then the project of IronPython was maintained by the small team at Microsoft until the launch of the version 2.7. The project is now maintained by the volunteers at GitHub. IronPython is written in C# also some of the code is generated by the generator written in python. Interface extensibility is the key advantage of IronPython.