Python program for Converting digit/number to words
Converting digit/number to words in Python
Here, in this page we will discuss the program for Digit/number to words in Python .The conversion of numbers in words is just a conversion of numeric values to the English format of reading numbers. This code supports the conversion of numbers from 0 – 9999 in English format.
Different places for numbers are:-
Single digits:- OnesTwo Digits:-Tens
Three Digits:- Hundreds
Four Digits:- Thousands
Method 1 Algorithm
We will be using num2words library for this
from num2words import num2words # Most common usage. print(num2words(11098)) # can also specify this for -th format print(num2words(11098, to='ordinal')) //This code will not run on normal compiler, You need to install num2words.
Method 2 Algorithm
- Taking input as a string from the user.
- Check the length of the input.
- if the length is zero print ’empty’ and if the length is greater than 4 print ‘give a string of specific length’
- if length id between 1 – 4, Create arrays for different values.
- Checking the length of the string.
- According to the place of the digit, we will show the output.
Code in Python
def convert_to_words(num): l = len(num) # Base cases if (l == 0): print("empty string") return if (l > 4): print("Length more than 4 is not supported") return single_digits = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"] two_digits = ["", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"] tens_multiple = ["", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"] tens_power = ["hundred", "thousand"] print(num, ":", end=" ") if (l == 1): print(single_digits[ord(num[0]) - 48]) return x = 0 while (x < len(num)): if (l >= 3): if (ord(num[x]) - 48 != 0): print(single_digits[ord(num[x]) - 48], end=" ") print(tens_power[l - 3], end=" ") l -= 1 else: if (ord(num[x]) - 48 == 1): sum = (ord(num[x]) - 48 + ord(num[x+1]) - 48) print(two_digits[sum]) return elif (ord(num[x]) - 48 == 2 and ord(num[x + 1]) - 48 == 0): print("twenty") return else: i = ord(num[x]) - 48 if(i > 0): print(tens_multiple[i], end=" ") else: print("", end="") x += 1 if(ord(num[x]) - 48 != 0): print(single_digits[ord(num[x]) - 48]) x += 1 # Driver Code convert_to_words("1121")
1121 : one thousand one hundred twenty one
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using hash of array
hash = {
1: [“one”, “two”, “three”, “four”, “five”, “six”, “seven”, “eight”, “nine”],
2: [“ten”, “twenty”, “thirty”, “fourty”, “fifty”, “sixty”, “seventy”, “eighty”, “ninty”],
3: [“hundered”],
4: [“thousand”]
num = 1121
word = “”
count = 1
while (num):
digit = num % 10
num //= 10
if count > 2:
string = hash[1][digit-1] + hash[count][0]
string = hash[count][digit-1]
print(string, word, count, num)
word = string + ” ” + word
count += 1
one = [ “”, “one “, “two “, “three “, “four “,
“five “, “six “, “seven “, “eight “,
“nine “, “ten “, “eleven “, “twelve “,
“thirteen “, “fourteen “, “fifteen “,
“sixteen “, “seventeen “, “eighteen “,
“nineteen “];
ten = [ “”, “”, “twenty “, “thirty “, “forty “,
“fifty “, “sixty “, “seventy “, “eighty “,
“ninety “];
# This code only the range of 0 to 100
def numToWords(n, s):
str = “”;
if (n > 19):
str += ten[n // 10] + one[n % 10];
str += one[n];
if (n):
str += s;
return str;
# This is for 20 to almost infinity
# Function to print a given number in words
def convertToWords(n):
out = “”;
out += numToWords((n // 10000000), “crore “);
out += numToWords(((n // 100000) % 100),”lakh “);
out += numToWords(((n // 1000) % 100),”thousand “);
out += numToWords(((n // 100) % 10),”hundred “);
if (n > 100 and n % 100):
out += “and “;
out += numToWords((n % 100), “”);
return out;
Thanks a lot Bhooma, we will surely update our answer