Python program for decimal to octal conversion

Decimal to octal conversion

Here, in this section we will discuss the program for decimal to octal conversion in python. Decimal numbers are the standard representation for representing integer or non-integer values. Decimal numbers are with base 10 and can represent numbers from 0-9. Whereas in Octal representation of numbers, numbers from 0-7 are represented as octal numbers are with base 8.

Decimal to octal conversion in python

Methods Discussed:-

  • Using an array to store the comparable octal value
  • Using int variable to store comparable octal value

Algorithm  ( Method 1 )

  • Take the decimal number from the user and store it in variable say decimal.
  • Create an array say octal to store the octal representation of the given decimal number.
  • Run a loop until decimal is not equal to 0 i.e., (decimal !=0)
  • Inside the loop insert the remainder that achieved by dividing decimal from 8 i.e., (decimal%8)
  • Coming out from the loop print the octal array in reverse order.
Python program to convert decimal to octal number

Python Code

decimal = 148
octal = []
while decimal > 0:
    r = decimal % 8
    decimal = decimal // 8
for i in reversed(octal):
    print(i, end="")



Algorithm  ( Method 2 )

  • Initialize ocatalNum to 0 and countVal to 1 and the decimal number as n
  • Find the remainder when decimal number divided by 8
  • Update octal number by octalNum + (remainder * countval)
  • Increase countval by countval*10
  • Divide decimal number by 8
  • Repeat from the second step until the decimal number is zero

Python Code

decimal = 33
octal = 0
count = 1

while decimal > 0:
    r = decimal % 8
    octal += r * count
    count *= 10
    decimal = decimal // 8




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One comment on “Python program for decimal to octal conversion”

  • Sonal

    num=int(input(“Enter the decimal number “))
    print(“The octal value of {} is {}”.format(num,sum))