Checking Whether the Number is Harshad or not using Python

Check Whether or Not a Number is a Harshad Number in Python

Given an integer input the objective is to check whether or not the given number is a Harshad Number or not. To do so we’ll check if the sum of the digits can perfectly divide the number or not. We’ll write a Program to Check Whether or Not a Number is a Harshad Number in Python Language.

Input : 21
Output : Yes It's a Harshad Number
harshed or not in python

Check Whether or Not a Number is a Harshad Number in Python Language

Given an integer number as the input, the objective is to check whether or not the number is a Harshad Number by checking if the number is divisible by the sum of it’s digits or not. For a Number to be a Harshad Number, it’s must be divisible by the sum of it’s digits. Check out the below mentioned example for better understanding.

Therefore, for any number to be a Harshad number, it must be divisible by the sum of it’s digits. Mentioned below are the working and the code to Check Whether or Not a Number is a Harshad Number in Python Language. We’ll use to following methods,

  • Method 1: Using Iteration I
  • Method 2: Using Iteration II

Let’s discuss the above mentioned methods in detail in the upcoming sections.

Method 1: Using Iteration I


In this method we’ll use the while loop to extract the digits and sum them up. Once we get the sum we’ll divide the number with sum and check for divisibility.

For a given integer input,we’ll perform the following operations

  • Duplicate the number using a p variable.
  • Create an empty list for collecting all the digits.
  • Run a while loop until the duplicate is 0.
    • Extract the digits using Modulo operator “%”.
    • Append the digit to the list.
    • Shorten the number using divide operator “/”.
  • Get the sum of all the elements in the list.
  • Check if the number is divisible by sum.

Let’s implement the above mentioned Logic in Python Language.

Python Code

n = 21
    print("Harshad number")
    print("Not harshad number")


It's a Harshad Number

Method 2: Using Iteration II


This method is the improvised version of method 1. In this method we’ll use while loop to extract the digits but instead of appending the digits to a list, we’ll directly add them to the sum variable.

For a given integer input as number, we perform the following operations

  • Duplicate the number using a p variable.
  • Run a while loop until the duplicate is 0.
    • Extract the digits using Modulo operator “%”.
    • Append the digit to the sum variable.
    • Shorten the number using divide operator “/”.
  • Check if the number is divisible by sum.

Let’s implement the above mentioned logic in Python Language.

Python Code

n = 21
    print("Harshad number")
    print("Not harshad number")


It's a Harshad Number

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13 comments on “Checking Whether the Number is Harshad or not using Python”

  • yaswanth

    #In for loop the string is taken as single character after we can convert string as an integer
    number = 21
    num = str(number)
    for i in num:
    sum =sum+ int(i)
    if number % sum == 0:
    print(number,”is a Harshad number.”)
    print(number,” is not a Harshad number.”)