Java program to find Next Permutation

Next Permutation in Java

Here, on this page, we will discuss the program to find the next permutation in Java. We are Given a word and need to find the lexicographically greater permutation of it. For example, lexicographically next permutation of “acb” is “bac”

Java program to find Next Permutation
  • Find the longest non-increasing suffix and find the pivot.
  • If the suffix is the whole array, then there is no higher order permutation for the data.
  • Find the rightmost successor to the pivot.
  • Swap the successor and the pivot.
  • Reverse the suffix.
import java.util.Arrays;
class Main {
    static int[] swap(int data[], int left, int right) {
        // Swap the data
        int temp = data[left];
        data[left] = data[right];
        data[right] = temp;
        // Return the updated array
        return data;
    static int[] reverse(int data[], int left, int right) {
        // Reverse the sub-array
        while (left < right) {
            int temp = data[left];
            data[left++] = data[right];
            data[right--] = temp;
        // Return the updated array
        return data;
    static boolean findNextPermutation(int data[]) {
        if (data.length <= 1) return false;        
        int last = data.length - 2;        
         while (last >= 0) {
            if (data[last] < data[last + 1]) {
        if (last < 0) return false;        
        int nextGreater = data.length - 1;      
       // Find the rightmost successor to the pivot        
        for (int i = data.length - 1; i > last; i--) {
            if (data[i] > data[last]) {
                nextGreater = i;
        data = swap(data, nextGreater, last);
        data = reverse(data, last + 1, data.length - 1);
        return true;

    // Driver Code

    static void main(String args[]) {
        int data[] = {1, 2, 3, 7};
        if (!findNextPermutation(data))
            System.out.println("There is no higher" + " order permutation " +
                               "for the given data.");
        else {

Output :

[1, 2, 7, 3]