IBM Interview Questions for Freshers
IBM Interview Questions for Freshers 2022
Find IBM Interview Questions for freshers for both CS/IT and Non- CS/IT students asked in 2022.
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IBM Interview Process
Just like other companies IBM also has two interview rounds:
- Technical Interview
- HR Interview
IBM Technical Interview Questions for Non-IT Candidates
Question 1:- Define Java.
Java is an object-oriented programming language and software platform that is utilized on billions of devices, including notebook computers, mobile devices, game consoles, medical devices, and more.
Question 2:- What are the various types of polymorphism in C++?
There are two types of polymorphism in C++:
- Run-time polymorphism
- Compile-time polymorphism
Question 3:- Who was the developer of C++?
Bjarne Stroustrup was the developer of the C++ programming language.
Question 4:- What is the value of 5["abxdef"]?
“f” is the answer.
- The equation is equal to “abxdef”[5], which is an array mentioned in the string.
What defines an equivalent inside-out expression?
- Because a[b] is the same as *(a + b), it is the same as *(b + a), which is the same as b[a].
Question 5:- What is the definition of encapsulation?
Encapsulation is a property of an entity that protects all confidential information. Members of that class can only see the details that are hidden. The different tiers are Public, Protected, and Private.
Question 6:- What are the advantages of using Python Programming languages?
- Python is a general-purpose programming language with a simple, easy-to-understand syntax that highlights readability and hence lowers programme maintenance costs.
- Furthermore, the language is scriptable, open-source, and supports third-party packages, which promotes modularity and code reuse.
- For Rapid Application Development and deployment, its high-level data structures, as well as the dynamic type and dynamic binding, have attracted a huge developer community.
Question 7:- What are various types of DBMS? Also, explain each type.
There are namely four types of DBMS:
- Relational DBMS
- Hierarchical DBMS
- Network DBMS
- Object-oriented DBMS
Relational Database Management System: This type of database management system uses a structure that allows users to access data in relation to other data in the database. Tables are used to store data in this type of DBMS.
Hierarchical DataBase Management System: As the name implies, this form of the database management system has a tree-like structure, with nodes representing records and branches representing fields.
Network DataBase Management System: This form of DBMS allows many member records to be linked in many-to-many relationships.
Object-oriented DataBase Management System: Uses small bits of software called objects to store data and instructions for actions to be taken with the data.
Question 8:- What are the benefits of using the Java programming language?
- Java is a simple language to learn. Java was created with the goal of being simple to use, making it easier to write, build, debug, and learn than other programming languages.
- Java is object-oriented programming. This helps you to construct reusable code and modular programs.
- Java is platform agnostic.
Question 9:- What are the Fibonacci sequences?
By adding two prior numbers, the Fibonacci Series yields a new number.
For Eg, 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13.
Question 10:- What are tuples in Python?
- Tuples allow you to store several elements in a single variable.
- A tuple is one of four built-in Python data types for storing collections of data.
- A tuple is an ordered and unchanging collection.
- Round brackets are used to write multiples.
Also Check:-
IBM HR Interview Questions
Question 1:- Tell me about yourself.
Good morning/afternoon. I am _______, a final-year B.Tech mechanical engineering student at XYZ College. At our college, I am the current class representative and a Rotaract Club member. I participated in several campus events such as our annual college fest and intra-college sports meet during my four years at college, all while maintaining an 8.5 CGPA until my seventh semester. I’ve only recently started learning programming languages like C, C++, and Java. This role would allow me to get professional experience and provide the groundwork for my future career.
Read more at: Tell me about yourself
Question 2:- What if we don't select you?
I’d want to work for your company. Instead, I’m not going to be unhappy if you tell me what I’ve done wrong, and I’ll prepare properly for your company’s off-campus drives in a few months.
Read more at: What if we don’t select you?
Question 3:- What are your hobbies and interests?
Painting and making new things are two of my favorite activities. I always set aside at least two hours after college to paint, which helps me relax and improves my visualization skills while also improving my memory.
Read more at: What are your hobbies and interests?
Question 4:- Explain how would be an asset to this organization.
You should hire me because I am an excellent communicator who works well with others. If you wish to see the difference, I am available to join you right now. I am self-assured, energetic, and dedicated to my work. I’d like to work for your firm.
Read more at: Explain how would be an asset to this organization.
Question 5:- What is the difference between confidence and overconfidence?
In my perspective, there is a tiny difference between confidence and overconfidence. You are confident when you believe “you can accomplish it,” but overconfident when you believe “only you can do it.” When you become overconfident, you begin to dismiss others.
Read more at: What is the difference between confidence and overconfidence?
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IBM Technical Interview Questions for CS/IT Candidates
Question 1:- What is tree traversal?
Tree traversal is the process of visiting all of a tree’s nodes. We always begin at the root (head) node because all nodes are connected by edges (links). There are three methods for traversing a tree:
- In-order Traversal
- Pre-order Traversal
- Post-order Traversal
Question 2:- What is the Kruskal algorithm?
This approach treats the graph as a forest, with each node representing a separate tree. A tree can only link to another tree if it has the lowest cost of all the choices and does not break MST characteristics.
Question 3:-What exactly is a queue?
A queue, like a stack, is a typical data structure that arranges elements in sequential order. A queue employs the FIFO (First In First Out) mechanism, in which the first thing enqueued is also the first to be dequeued.
Question 4:- What do you mean by CLAUSE in SQL?
In SQL, CLAUSE is used to limit the number of results returned by adding a condition to the query. As a result, you can filter rows from the complete collection of data using a CLAUSE.
Question 5:- What is a pipe and when does it actually be useful?
Pipe: A pipe is typically a connection between two or more processes that are interconnected. It is a message-passing mechanism that is used for inter-process communication. A pipe makes it simple to transport data, such as the output of one programme activity, to another programme process.
Uses of Pipe:
It’s useful when two processes desire to communicate in one direction, i.e. inter-process communication (IPC)
Question 6:- Explain how to make a Python script Unix executable.
#!/usr/bin/env python must be the first line of the script.
Question 7:- What is the meaning of a postfix expression?
A postfix expression is one in which the operators come after the operands. The fundamental advantage of this style is that it eliminates the requirement for parentheses to group sub-expressions or to consider operator precedence. In postfix notation, the expression “a + b” will be written as “ab+.”
Question 8:- What is the Software Development Life Cycle, or SDLC?
SDLC, or Software Development Life Cycle, is a life cycle that represents the process of developing software. All aspects of software development are covered by SDLC models.