Multivalued Attributes in DBMS

Multivalued Attributes

In this article, we will learn about Multivalued Attributes in DBMS. Attributes define what type of data is stored in a database table . Some times we need to store one or more values of a single attribute for that purpose multivalued attributes are used.

multivalue attributes in dbms


  • Attributes define what type of data is stored in a database table for example student table stores  details of Student name, roll no, marks, attendance, etc all these details corresponding the properties or attributes of the student table.
  • A multivalued attributed in DBMS(Data Base Management System) is an attribute that can have multiple value for a single intance of an entity.
  • For example, a person may have multiple phone numbers, so the “Phone Number” attribute for that person would be a multivalued attribute.
  • In relational databases, multivalued attributes are typically represented by creating a separate table for the attribute, with a one-to-many relationship between the main entity and the new table.
MultiValued Attribute in DBMS

Example for Multivalued attribute 

Example 1

  • In a Real-world scenario, a person can have more than one phone number hence “phone number attribute” will become a multivalued attribute

Example 2

  • A person may have more than one address .hence  address may become a multi-valued attribute

Representation of multivalued attribute

A multivalued attribute is represented using a double oval with the name of the attribute inside the oval.

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