Detecting Cycles in MST

Minimum Spanning Flaticon

Introduction to Detecting Cycles in MST

Detecting cycles in a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) is a crucial problem in graph theory and computer science. Minimum Spanning Trees play a vital role in various applications, such as network design, circuit layout, and transportation planning. An MST is a subgraph of a given graph that connects all the vertices with the minimum possible total edge weight, without forming any cycles.

What is Detecting Cycle?

Detecting cycles in a graph refers to the process of identifying closed loops or circuits within the graph structure. A cycle is a path in a graph that starts and ends at the same vertex, traversing a sequence of edges without revisiting any vertex in between, except for the starting and ending vertex. 

  • To put it differently, it is a tree structure that covers every vertex of the original graph without forming any cycles.

Here are some key characteristics of a Detecting Cycle:

  • Definition: Identifying closed loops or circuits within a graph.
  • Cycle: A path that starts and ends at the same vertex, forming a closed loop.
  • Importance in MSTs:
  • In Minimum Spanning Trees (MSTs), cycles violate the tree structure.
  • Detection is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the MST.
  • Algorithms:
  • Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS) traversal.
  • Tarjan’s algorithm, Johnson’s algorithm, and other specialized techniques.
  • Applications:
  • Deadlock detection in resource allocation systems.
  • Identifying circular dependencies in software systems.
  • Ensuring consistency and acyclicity in structures like dependency graphs.


Find cycle in undirected Graph using DFS:

Detecting cycles in an undirected graph using Depth-First Search (DFS) is a common and efficient approach. Here’s a simple algorithm in pseudocode:

For Example :

Detecting cycles in an undirected graph using Depth-First Search (DFS) is a common and efficient approach. Here’s a simple algorithm in pseudocode:

In this algorithm:

hasCycle(graph) initializes a set to keep track of visited vertices and iterates through all vertices in the graph. It calls the dfs function for each unvisited vertex to check for cycles.

dfs(current, visited, parent) performs a depth-first search. It marks the current vertex as visited and recursively explores its neighbors. If a neighbor is visited but not the parent of the current vertex, a cycle is detected.

function hasCycle(graph):
    // Initialize visited set to keep track of visited vertices
    visited = set()
    // Iterate through all vertices in the graph
    for each vertex in graph:
        // If the vertex is not visited, perform DFS
        if vertex not in visited:
            if dfs(vertex, visited, parent=None): // Check for a cycle from this vertex
                return true // Cycle found
    // No cycles found
    return false
function dfs(current, visited, parent):
    // Mark the current vertex as visited
    add current to visited set
    // Recursively visit adjacent vertices
    for each neighbor of current:
        if neighbor not in visited:
            // Continue DFS on the neighbor
            if dfs(neighbor, visited, current):
                return true // Cycle found
        else if neighbor is not the parent of the current vertex:
            return true // Cycle found
    // No cycle found from this vertex
    return false

Properties of Minimum Spanning Tree

Algorithm Overview:

  • Use DFS to traverse the graph.
  • Track visited vertices and explore neighbors.
  • Detect back edges pointing to previously visited vertices.
  • Exclude edges connecting to the current vertex’s parent to avoid false positives.


  • The algorithm is implemented in two functions: hasCycle(graph) and dfs(current, visited, parent).
  • The main function iterates through all vertices, invoking DFS for unvisited vertices.


  • Cycle detection is vital in various scenarios, including network analysis, software dependency resolution, and deadlock detection.


  • The algorithm has a time complexity of O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges.

Key Characteristics of MST

To Wrap it up: 

In conclusion, detecting cycles in undirected graphs using Depth-First Search (DFS) is a fundamental and efficient algorithm in graph theory. The algorithm employs a recursive exploration of vertices, marking them as visited and carefully tracking the parent vertex to identify back edges. The presence of a back edge connecting to a previously visited vertex (excluding the parent) signals the existence of a cycle in the graph.

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