C++ Program to find Permutations in which n people can occupy r seats in a classroom

Which n people can occupy r seats in a classroom in C++

This is a problem specific program which deals with problems like in how many ways employees can be arranged in the seats available in a company or the same for the students in a school or college.

This problem can be easily solved by the use of the simple formula of permutations which is

Formula  =  n P r  =  n! / (n-r)!


Problem Statement :

In a classroom some of the seats are already occupied by students and only a few seats are available in the classroom. The available seats are assumed as r and n number of students are looking for the seat. We need to find in how many different permutations n number of students can sit on r number of chairs.


  • Input number of students in n
  • Input number of seats in r
  • Use permutation formula { factorial(n) / factorial(n-r) }
  • Print Output
Permutations in which n people can occupy r seats in a class room

C++ code

//Permutations in which n people can occupy r seats
using namespace std;
//function for factorial
int factorial(int num)
    int fact=1;
    for(int i=num; i>=1 ;i--)
    return fact;
//main program
int main()
    int n,r;
    cout<<"Enter number of people: ";
    //user input
    cout<<"Enter number of seats: ";
    //user input
    //finding all possible arrangements of n people on r seats
    // by using formula of permutation
    int p = factorial(n)/factorial(n-r);

    //printing output
    printf("Total possible arrangements: %d",p);

    return 0;


Enter number of people: 5
Enter number of seats: 9
Total possible arrangements: 120

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2 comments on “C++ Program to find Permutations in which n people can occupy r seats in a classroom”

  • bhagatnishant5454

    using namespace std;
    int factorial(int num){
    int fct=1;
    for(int i=0;i>num1>>num2;
    int k=factorial(num1)/factorial(num1-num2);
    cout<<"The no of ways to arrange the "<<p<<" "<<endl;
    return 0;

  • Sachin


    using namespace std;

    int permutation(int n, int r) {
    if(n == 0 || r == 0) {
    return 1;
    return n*permutation(n-1, r)/permutation(n-r, r);

    int main()
    int num, p;
    cout <<"Enter seats: " <> num;
    cout <<"Enter people: " <> p;
    cout << permutation(num,p) << "Hello" << endl;

    return 0;