Calculate Square Root without using Math.h sqrt Function

Command Line Program to Calculate the Square root of a function

Write a C program which will calculate the square root of a number without using math.h sqrt() function and print that sqrt to the STDOUT as floating point number with exactly 2 decimal precision.

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc == 1)
      printf ("No arguments");
      return 0;
      int n;
      n = atoi (argv[1]);
      float i = 0.00;
      while (i * i <= n)
	  i = i + 0.001;
      i = i - 0.001;
      printf ("%.2f", i);

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One comment on “Calculate Square Root without using Math.h sqrt Function”

  • Mahendra Chawla

    using c language alternative method
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf(“No arguments”);
    return 0;
    int number;
    float temp, sqrt;
    sqrt = number / 2;
    temp = 0;
    while(sqrt != temp){
    temp = sqrt;
    sqrt = ( number/temp + temp) / 2;