OOPS Concepts in C++

OOPS Concept in C++

There are four pillars of Object-Oriented Programming concept: Encapsulation,Data hiding, Inheritance and Polymorphism and they pretty much run the OOPS concept in C++ . These functionalities are implemented with the help of Classes and Objects.

class vs object in c++

OOPs Concept in Brief

PrepSter Tip: Consider Classes and Objects as the heart of any object-oriented language.

Following are main features of OOPS Concept in C++

  1. Class
  2. Objects
  3. Encapsulation
  4. Abstraction
  5. Polymorphism
  6. Inheritance
  7. Dynamic Binding
  8. Message Passing

Other Features of OOPS in C++ –

  • Dynamic Binding
  • Message Passing
OOPS Concepts In C++

Benefits of Object Orient Programming

  • More secure code and hacking resistivity, because of data hiding.
  • For any class multiple objects(instances) can co exist without any overlap of interest.
  • The code looks more organised as code segmentation(partition) is possible due to objects/classes
  • Because of inheritance redundant code is eliminated, as super class properties are extended to subclasses.
  • The Code is scalable from small to large.

Introduction to OOPs in C++