Best Online Courses For DSA

best courses for dsa online

Best Data Structures and Algorithms Courses Online 2023

Find the best Data Science and Algorithms courses that are available online listed down on this page. You can go through each of them to know the best DSA course for you.

Top Data Structures and Algorithms Courses

Data Structures and Algorithms is a core skill required for plaements, especially in Product-Based Companies. It is essential to for developing programs that can tackle real-world problems.
There are multiple DSA courses available online making it difficult to pick one. Here, we have compiled the list of best DSA courses on the basis of price (least to most expensive), course content, certifications, etc.

Top 20 Data Structures and Algorithms Courses

Below we have listed out the 6 Best Data Structures and Algorithms Courses that are available online. 

1. PrepInsta Prime Course

On PrepInsta Prime, we have Data Structures and Algorithms Courses which is available under the PrepInsta Prime subscription. 

What does PrepInsta Prime Data Structures and Algorithms Courses consists of?

The Data Structure and Algorithms course comes in all four major languages and also provides DSA for service based companies. We have covered all pre-requisite subjects that you need to know before moving towards Data Structure and algorithms courses. Following are the DSA courses provided under one subscription.

The Data Structure and Algorithms courses under the Prime subscription includes:-

  • DSA in C 
  • DSA in C++
  • DSA in Python 
  • DSA in Java 
  • DSA In service based companies 

Below we have listed out the pre-requisite subjects required for Data Structure And Algorithms :-

  • Basic Coding
  • Learning any one language

Pre-Requisites of Data Structures and Algorithms

Roadmap to Learn DSA

roadmap for dsa
dsa roadmap

On completing the pre-requisite courses, you can then move on to the Data Structures and Algorithm course of your choice.

PrepInsta DSA Course Includes:-

The DSA course covers:-

  • Pre-DSA (Not relevant for Java/Python)
  • Pointers, Arrays & Strings
  • Time Complexity
  • Recursion in DSA
  • Searching and Sorting
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Linked List
  • Trees
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Hashing
  • Graphs
  • Priority Queues & Heaps
  • Tries
  • Bit Manipulation & Modulo Arithmetic

Course Highlights:-

62+ Hours

Course Content


Upon Completion


Topic-Wise Mocks



Check out the Data Structure and Algorithms Course:-

Course Screenshots

2. Scalar Course

Scalar has a highly-rated Data Structures and Algorithms course. It is divided into Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. This course comes with hands-on projects. The course is available for Rs 2.9 Lakhs.

3. Data Structures and Algorithms Specialization Program (Coursera)

Data Structures and Algorithms Course is offered in collaboration with the University of California and the Higher School of Economics at the National Research Institute. This course heavily focuses on theory and is available on the Coursera platform. You can get this course for a monthly subscription fee of 4k.

4. Data Structures and Algorithms Nanodegree Certification (Udacity)

Data Structures and Algorithms program is available through Udacity. This course features more on the real-time projects and is more suitable if you have already strengthened your base of DSA. You can get it on the Udacity platform for around 1 lakh for a four month access.

5. Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java (Udemy)

This course is more suited if you are looking for a DSA course on JAVA. To start this course, you will need to have a good understanding of Java and is suited for seasoned developers. The course is available for 4k.

6. Programming Foundations: Algorithms (LinkedIn Learning – Lynda)

This is a self-paced DSA course on LinkedIn. It focuses more on practical algorithms and programming problems used in everyday life. This course uses tools like recursion to comprehend common data structures.

7. Tutort Academy

This course is best suited for you if you are looking for DSA Courses. This course has two modules one is Data Structure and Algorithm Masters Course which is priced at 30k with a duration of 4 months and the other one is Advanced Data Structure and Algorithm which is price at around 50k with a duration of 7 months.

8. Bosscoder Academy

This is a full placement which covers DSA, Web development and System design with mentorship and live TA support. It is priced at around 40k with a duration of 8 months.

9. Masai Academy

Masai Academy is a full placement website which covers DSA with some extra courses and also have mentorship session. This course is prices at 2lakh, if you get placed then only you will have to pay the course fees and if not placed  you will get a full refund.

10. Newton School

Newton School is a full placement driven website which covers DSA with some extra courses and also have mentorship session. This course is priced at 40k with a time duration of 8 months.

11. is a well structured platform to learn Data Structure and master it. The price on this platform for the course is 9000 per year and it is also structured at a monthly rate of 749 rupees. 

12. Placewit

Placewit is a placement driven website which offers students to learn DSA and other courses for free. Students have to pay only after they get placed, they will have to pay an amount of 1.25 lakh which can also be converted into EMI’s. 

13. 10xacademy

10xacademy is a platform which provides many courses along with DSA and also has 1:2 mentorship. The total price of the platform is around 1.5 lakh in which 40k is the Upfront commitment fee and 1lakh is After placement fee.

14. Acciojob

Acciojob is a placement driven website which offers many course along with Data Structure and Algorithm. The price of the DSA course is 25K, you can also pay in EMI’s starting at 5000 rupees. They also provide a certificate after the successful completion of the program.

15. is a platform which offers many courses and also has Data Structure and Algorithms course. The price of the course is around 60k for the DSA course.

16. Algozenith

Algozenith offers many programs and it has DSA also one can learn and master in Data Structure Algorithms from this course. The price of this course is around 35k. 

17. AlgoUniversity

AlgoUniversity offers programs like DSA, full stack and also interview preparation. The course is structured from basic to advanced course for DSA and the price f this course is around 35k.

18. Upskill Valley

Upskill Valley has many placement programs on their platform including DSA, it is a good platform to learn and master DSA. One can buy the course here at a price of 13k.

19. Skill Vertex

Skill Vertex is a self placed learning course for Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. It is a good platform learn DSA in Java. The price structured here for this program is 11.5k.

20. Log2Base2

Log2Base2 is a good platform to learn Data Structure and Algorithm in 6 programming languages. The price of the course is around 16k and one can also buy the course individually for specific languages. 

Get over 200+ course One Subscription

Courses like AI/ML, Cloud Computing, Ethical Hacking, C, C++, Java, Python, DSA (All Languages), Competitive Coding (All Languages), TCS, Infosys, Wipro, Amazon, DBMS, SQL and others

Checkout list of all the video courses in PrepInsta Prime Subscription

Checkout list of all the video courses in PrepInsta Prime Subscription