Axeno Consulting Coding Questions and Answers

Axeno Consulting Coding Questions with Solutions

This page will help you to get Axeno Consulting Coding Questions and Answers asked in the Recruitment Process of the company. Other than that you will find Insights on Online Assessments, Technical Assessment – Interview, Eligibility Criteria, CTC Offered, Job Profiles offered by the company.

For getting details, please go through this page where we have mentioned the details of Software Engineer Job profile that Axeno is offering with the package of 4.5 LPA.


Details on Axeno Consulting Hiring Process

This Recruitment process consists of the following steps :

  1. Online Aptitude Test
  2. Online Coding Test
  3. Technical Interview
  4. HR Interview
Now, you will find brief description of all Job Profiles offered by this company below.
We have mentioned further details of the Axeno Consulting Hiring Process 2025 in the following Tabular Form:
Axeno ConsultingRelated Information
Position :Software Engineer
Course :
  • B.E / B.Tech or M.E / M.Tech – CSE & IT.
  • Eligible Batch – 2025
Eligibility Criteria / Academic Qualification Required :
  • Minimum 70% or equivalent CGPA of 7 and above in 10th / 12th/ Graduation / Post Graduation.
  • No Current Backlogs
Cost to Company (CTC)
  • Stipend During Internship = ₹ 15K
  • Post Completion = ₹ 4.5 L.P.A + ₹ 50K [Joining Bonus] 
Selection Process :
  1. Online Aptitude Test
  2. Online Coding Test
  3. Technical Interview
  4. HR Interview
Joining Location :
  • Noida
  • Chandigarh

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Axeno Consulting Coding Questions with Solutions

Question 1 : Network Stream

Problem Statement :

A stream of n data packets arrives at a server. This server can only process packets that are exactly 2^n units long for some non-negative integer value of n (0<=n).
All packets are repackaged in order to the 1 largest possible value of 2^n units. The remaining portion of the packet is added to the next arriving packet before it is repackaged. Find the size of the largest repackaged packet in the given stream.

Example arriving Packets = [12, 25, 10, 7, 8]
The first packet has 12 units. The maximum value of 2^n that can be made has 2^n = 2^3 = 8 units because the next size up is 2^n = 2^4 = 16 (16 is greater than 12).

12 – 8 = 4 units are added to the next packet. There are 4 + 25 = 29 units to repackage, 2^n = 2^4 = 16 is the new size leaving 9 units (29-16 = 9)

Next packet is 9 + 10 = 29 unists & the maximum units(in 2^n) is 16 leaving 3 units.
3 + 7 = 10 , the max units is 8 Leaving 2 units, and so on.
The maximum repackaged size is 16 units.

Long : the size of the largest packet that is streamed

Constraints :
1<=arriving Packets[i] size<=10^9

Sample case 0 :

Sample input 0:
5 → number of packets=5
13→ size of packets=[13,25,12,2,8]
Sample output 0:

Question 2 : Share Holder (R -> Hard)

Problem statement :

Ratan is a crazy rich person. And he is blessed with luck, so he always made the best profit possible with the shares he bought. That means he bought a share at a low price and sold it at a high price to maximize his profit. Now you are an income tax officer and you need to calculate the profit he made with the given values of stock prices each day. You have to calculate only the maximum profit Ratan earned.
Note that:
Ratan never goes into loss.

Example 1 :

Ratan buys it on the first day and sells it on the second.

Example 2 :


The Price always went down, Ratan never bought it.

Input Format:
First line with an integer n, denoting the number days with the value of the stack
Next n days, telling the price of the stock on that very day.

Output Format:
Maximum profit done by Ratan in a single line.
Number of days <=10^8

Sample Input for Custom Testing


Sample Output



The maximum profit possible is when Ratan buys it in 1 rupees and sells it in 11.

Question 03: Formatting large Products

Problem Statement: Rohan is weak in mathematics.He is giving mathematics  Olympiad , but he got stuck in one of the question .Help rohan to solve the question.In Question there are two positive integer A and B. You have to find the product of all integer between A and B which is represented in the form C=D*10^E , where  C is the product of numbers , D and E are non-negative integers and the last digit of D is non-zero.

Function Description 

  • Complete the function formatProducts in the editor below, formatProduct must return a string that represents C in the above described form.
  • Function has the following parameters
  • A: an integer
  • B: an integer


  •    A will between 1 and 1,000,000 . Inclusive.
  •    B will be between A and 1,000,000. Inclusive.

Sample Input 0 

  • 1
  • 5

Sample Output 0

  • 12 * 10^1


  • 1*2*3*4*5=120 = 12 * 10^1

Sample Input 1

  • 3
  • 10

Sample Output 1

  • 18144 * 10^2


  • 3*4*….*10=1814400 =18144 * 10^2

Question 4 : Last student’s ID (R->Medium+)

Problem Statement  :

There is an id code that is supposed to be given to all the aspirants of an exam. It is actually a substring of a given string. That means, the authority takes a string and then assigns all the unique substrings to all the students. Suppose there is a string “abcde”, so the ids of the students will be “a”,”b”,”c”,”d”,”e”,’ab”,”abc”,”abcd”,”abcde”,”bc”,”bcd”,”bcde”,”cd”,”cde”,”de”.

The students are standing in a line according to the lexicographic order of their given ids. You have to find out the id of the last student for the given input string from which the ids are generated.

Input Format:
Single line with the id generating string
Output format:
The last id as per lexicographical order

Number of characters in the string<=10^9

Sample Input:

Sample output:

The last student will be with the id dc. The order will be

Question 5: Momentum LinkedList

Problem Statement :

Ratul made a linked list, a list made of n nodes, where every node has two variables, the velocity and the mass of a particle.
Since all the particles have the velocity in the same direction, find the total momentum of the entity made by the particles from the linked list.

Constraints :
Input format:
First line containing n, number of nodes
Then n lines containing the mass and the velocity space separated.
Output Format:
Single integer denoting the momentum

Sample Input:
1 3
2 4
2 3
4 5

Sample Output:

FAQs related to Axeno Coding Questions

Question 1: What is the salary of software engineer in Axeno consulting?

Average Axeno Software Engineer salary in India is ₹ 8.2 Lakhs for experience between 1 years to 5 years.
And for freshers, the salary ranges between ₹ 4.3 Lakhs to ₹ 14.3 Lakhs.

Question 2: Does Axeno asks coding questions in its Hiring Process?

Yes, Axeno asks coding questions in there Online Coding Test and Technical Interview.

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