Data Types in C
Introduction to Data types in C
A data type in C can be defined as an attribute of data that defines the property of variables as to know what kind of data will the variable store and also enables the interpreter and compiler to understand how the programmer intends to use the data.
Types of Data Type
As we have discussed above, datatypes helps the compiler to understand the different types of data on which the programmer will be working. Datatypes are broadly divided into two types
Primary Data Type
- Also known as primitive data types or built-in data types, are fundamental data types which provide a built-in support in the coding process in C.
- Each of these data types stores data of different types and different range.We know that we have four Primary data types, namely:
- char
- int
- float
- double
Declaration of Primary Data types
DATA_TYPE VARIABLE_NAME : Must begin with a Letter or Underscore ( _ ).
Variables are case sensitive.
Variables may contain digit and letters.
Special character like ‘@’, “%’, ‘#’, ‘&’ cannot be used while declaring variable.
- Eg. int a, float b, a_2
Initialization of Primary Data types
Variable Initialization means assigning value to a variable.
The value of variable always come on the left side ( 10 = a) will be wrong.
Variable should be declared in the starting of C program before use.
Variable Initialization can be done in 2 different ways : ‘Compile Time’ & ‘Run Time’
Scope of a variable is decided by whether it is a Global Variable or Local Variable
Compile time
#include int main() { int a = 10; float b; b = 10.56; }
Run time
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a; float b; printf("Enter a : \n"); scanf("%d", &a); printf("Enter b : \n"); scanf("%f", &b); }
Char Data Type
- Char is used to store the single character.
- Char can store digit, letter or special character.
- We use ‘ %c ‘ for initialization of a character data type.
Compile Time
int main() { char c= 'a'; char d; d= 'b'; printf("%c\t",c); printf("%c\t",c); }
Run Time
int main() { char x; printf("Enter x : "); scanf("%c",&x); printf("%c",x); }
Integer Data Type
Int is used to store the whole number.
It does not consider digits after decimal
For eg : int a = 12.75 is equal to the 12.
- We use ‘ %d ‘ for initialization
Compile Time
int main() { int x = 10; int y; y =20; printf("%d\t", x); printf("%d\t", y); }
Run Time
int main() { int x; printf("Enter x : "); scanf("%d", &x); printf("%d\t", x); }
Float Data Type
Float is used to store the real number.
It consider numbers after decimal
For eg : float a = 12.75
- We use ‘ %f ‘ for initialization
Compile Time
int main() { float x = 10.3897; float y; y = 20.4556; printf("%2f\t" x); printf("%3f\t" y); }
Run Time
int main()
float x,y;
printf("Enter x : ");
y = 20.4556;
printf("%2f\t", x);
printf("%3f\t", y);
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Use of some common Data Types
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
int a = -123456; //integers
unsigned int b = 123456; // only positive integers
short c = -123; // for small integers only
unsigned short d = 123; //only pos.
long e = -1234567890; //large integers
unsigned long f = 1234567890; // only pos.
long long g = -1234567890123; //Very large integers
unsigned long long h = 1234567890123;//positive very large integers
char i = 'Z'; //char is used to store characters
char j[] = "PrepInsta";
//default precision is 6 unless specified for all below
float k = 1.0001; // decimal values
double l = 123456.0000000001; //large decimal values
long double m = 1234567890.00000000000001; //very large decimal values
return 0;
Storage size of some common Data Types
int main() { printf("Storage size for char is: %d \n\n", (int)sizeof(char)); printf("Storage size for int is: %d \n", (int) sizeof(int)); printf("Storage size for unsigned int is: %d \n\n", (int) sizeof(unsigned int)); printf("Storage size for short is: %d \n", (int) sizeof(short)); printf("Storage size for unsigned short is: %d \n\n", (int) sizeof(unsigned short)); printf("Storage size for long is: %d \n", (int )sizeof(long)); printf("Storage size for unsigned long is: %d \n\n", (int )sizeof(unsigned long)); printf("Storage size for long long is: %d \n", (int )sizeof(long long)); printf("Storage size for unsigned long long is: %d \n\n", (int )sizeof(unsigned long long)); printf("Storage size for float is: %d \n", (int )sizeof(float)); printf("Storage size for double is: %d \n", (int )sizeof(double)); printf("Storage size for long double is: %d \n", (int )sizeof(long double)); return 0; }
Storage size for char is: 1
Storage size for int is: 4
Storage size for unsigned int is: 4
Storage size for short is: 2
Storage size for unsigned short is: 2
Storage size for long is: 8
Storage size for unsigned long is: 8
Storage size for long long is: 8
Storage size for unsigned long long is: 8
Storage size for float is: 4
Storage size for double is: 8
Storage size for long double is: 16
Derived Data types:
These data types can be defined as the aggregation of the Primary data types, i.e. , these are derived from the pre-existing data type. Derived data types are as follows:
- Array
- Pointers
- Structures
- Unions
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