What is CPython ?

What is Cython

What is Cython ?

Cython is the standard python software implementation in programming language C. Cython is both interpreted and compiled language, that is, before it is interpreted, it compiles the text into bytecode. In 1994 the first version of CPython was released by the Python developer community.

Applications of Cython

Python programming will explicitly render calls to module C. Such C modules may be either generic C libraries or libraries specially designed for Python function. Cython produces the second form of the module: C libraries that refer to the internals of Python, and which can be combined with existing Python code. By default, Cython code looks very much like Python code. If you are feeding a Python program into the Cython compiler(Supporting both Python 2.x and Python 3.x), Cython must support it as-is, but neither of Cython ‘s native accelerations can come into effect. Yet if you decorate the Python code with the unique Cython syntax with form annotations, Cython would be able to substitute sluggish Python artifacts with fast C equivalents.

Uses of Cython

  •  Scientific and Numeric computations.
  • High Traffic Websites.
  • Designing Python Modules.
Python vs. Cython

Python vs Cython vs Jython

IntroductionPython is the traditional implementation of  programming language, the one we probably use daily.Cython is a superset of the Python programming language which additionally supports calling C/C++ functions.Jython is mainly for integrating with the Java language.
Relation with Python ProgrammingDefault ImplementationAlternative ImplementationAlternative Implementation
Compilation Processcompiles to .pyc.pyx compiles to .ccompiles to .class
ExtensionExtend with CExtend with CExtend with Java
Platform DependencyMulti-platformMulti-platform100% Java
Garbage CollectorPython Garbage CollectionC Garbage CollectionJava Garbage Collection

Implementation of Cython

To bring your Python into Cython, you must first build a file with the extension .pyx instead of the extension .py. You should start writing standard Python code within this file (note that there are certain restrictions in the Python code that Cython embraces, as explained in the Cython docs).

Cython works by constructing a basic Python package. The action, though, varies from the Python standard in that the module code, initially written in Python, is converted into C. Although the resulting code is quick, several calls are made to the CPython interpreter and standard CPython libraries to do the actual work


what is c-python ?

C-Python is the traditional implementation of  programming language, the one we probably use daily.

What is cython ?

Cython is a superset of the Python programming language which additionally supports calling C/C++ functions.

How do Cython works ?

Cython typically coverts the code into an intermediate Byte-code which is finally compiled by C Compiler. It converts code saved with .pyx extension into .c extension , then the written code is compiled by C compiler.

How does Cython improve the performance?

Python is an interpreted language which makes it slow as compared to other programming languages that are compiled such as C and C++. To increase the efficiency of python its extended version was released which is known as Cython.