Wildcard Matching Leetcode Solution
Wildcard Matching Leetcode Problem :
Given an input string (s) and a pattern (p), implement wildcard pattern matching with support for ‘?’ and ‘*’ where:
- ‘?’ Matches any single character.
- ‘*’ Matches any sequence of characters (including the empty sequence).
The matching should cover the entire input string (no partial).
Wildcard Matching Leetcode Problem Solution :
Constraints :
- 0 <= s.length, p.length <= 2000
- s contains only lowercase English letters.
- p contains only lowercase English letters, ‘?’ or ‘*’.
Example 1:
Input: s = “aa”, p = “*”
Output: true
Explanation: ‘*’ matches any sequence.
Example 2:
Input: s = “cb”, p = “?a”
Output: false
Explanation: ‘?’ matches ‘c’, but the second letter is ‘a’, which does not match ‘b’.
- Here’s a step-by-step explanation of your dynamic programming approach for wildcard pattern matching:
- Create a 2D boolean array dp with dimensions (p.length()+1) x (s.length()+1). dp[i][j] will represent whether the pattern p starting from index i matches the input string s starting from index j.
- Initialize the base cases:
For i = p.length() (when pattern is empty), and j = s.length() (when input is empty), dp[i][j] is set to true since an empty pattern matches an empty string.
For i = p.length() (when pattern is empty) and any valid j, dp[i][j] is set to false since a non-empty input string can’t match an empty pattern.
For j = s.length() (when input is empty) and any valid i, you need to check if the pattern consists of only *. If yes, then it matches the empty string, otherwise, it doesn’t match. - Fill in the dp array by considering the characters of the pattern and the input string one by one, starting from the last characters of each:
- If p.charAt(i) is a ?, the result depends on whether the rest of the pattern (p[i+1:]) matches the rest of the input string (s[j+1:]). Therefore, dp[i][j] is set to dp[i+1][j+1].
- If p.charAt(i) is a *, you have two choices:
You can consider the * as matching zero characters in the input string, i.e., dp[i][j] depends on dp[i+1][j].
You can consider the * as matching one or more characters in the input string, i.e., dp[i][j] depends on dp[i][j+1].
Therefore, dp[i][j] is set to dp[i+1][j] || dp[i][j+1]. - If p.charAt(i) is a regular character and matches s.charAt(j), then the result depends on whether the rest of the pattern and input string match (dp[i][j] is set to dp[i+1][j+1]).
- If p.charAt(i) is a regular character but doesn’t match s.charAt(j), then dp[i][j] is set to false.
- The final answer is stored in dp[0][0], which represents whether the entire pattern p matches the entire input string s.
Time complexity :
Time complexity of your code is O(m * n).
where m is the length of the pattern string p and n is the length of the input string s.
This is because you are using a nested loop to iterate over all possible combinations of characters in p and s, and for each combination, you perform constant time operations.
Space complexity:
The space complexity of your code is also O(m * n),
where m is the length of the pattern string p and n is the length of the input string s.
This is because you are using a 2D boolean array dp with dimensions (m+1) x (n+1) to store intermediate results for dynamic programming. Each cell in the array requires constant space, and since you have (m+1) x (n+1) cells, the overall space complexity is O(m * n).
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Code :
class Solution { public: int search(vector< int>& nums, int target) { int start=0,end=nums.size()-1; int mid= (start+end)/2; while(start<=end){ mid=(start+end)/2; if(target==nums[mid]){ return mid; } if(nums[start]<=nums[mid]){ if(nums[start]<=target && nums[mid]>=target){ end=mid-1; } else{ start=mid+1; } } else{ if(nums[end]>=target && nums[mid]<=target){ start=mid+1; } else{ end=mid-1; } } } return -1; } };
class Solution { public boolean isMatch(String s, String p) { boolean dp[][] = new boolean[p.length()+1][s.length()+1]; for(int i = dp.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { for(int j = dp[0].length-1; j >= 0; j--) { if(i == dp.length-1 && j == dp[0].length-1) { dp[i][j] = true; } else if(i == dp.length-1) { dp[i][j] = false; } else if(j == dp[0].length-1) { if(p.charAt(i) == '*') { dp[i][j] = dp[i+1][j]; } else { dp[i][j] = false; } } else { if(p.charAt(i) == '?') { dp[i][j] = dp[i+1][j+1]; } else if(p.charAt(i) == '*') { dp[i][j] = dp[i+1][j] || dp[i][j+1]; } else if(p.charAt(i) == s.charAt(j)) { dp[i][j] = dp[i+1][j+1]; } else { dp[i][j] = false; } } } } return dp[0][0]; } }
class Solution: def isMatch(self, s: str, p: str) -> bool: s_len, p_len, p_idx, s_idx, p_star, s_backtrack = len(s), len(p), 0, 0, -1, -1 while s_idx < s_len: if p_idx < p_len and p[p_idx] in ['?', s[s_idx]]: p_idx += 1 s_idx += 1 elif p_idx < p_len and p[p_idx] == '*': p_star = p_idx s_backtrack = s_idx p_idx += 1 else: #elif p_idx == p_len or p[p_idx] != s[s_idx]: if p_star == -1: return False else: #backtrack p_idx = p_star + 1 s_idx = s_backtrack + 1 s_backtrack = s_idx return all(p[idx] == '*' for idx in range(p_idx, p_len))
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