Married or Unmarried Person
Is the Person Married or Unmarried?
In a room, there are three people named Rahul, Nisha, and Sahil. According to the given premise, rule and objective find out whether the person is Married and Unmarried Person.
Premise – There are three people in a room named Rahul, Nisha, and Sahil. Rahul looks at Nisha. Nisha looks at Sahil.
Condition – 1. Rahul is married but Sahil is not married.
Objective – Is there any point where a married person is looking at an unmarried person?
Three options can be the answer-Yes, No, or Cannot be determined.

Solution for Detecting the Person
As per the given conditions, we can say that yes at every point a married person is looking at an unmarried person. The only person whose information we are not having is only Nisha. Now, let us assume two conditions to fulfill the given objectives.
- Assuming that Nisha is married, and now she is looking at Sahil. So, yes the condition is fulfilled that a married person is looking toward an unmarried person.

- Now assuming that Nisha is not married and Rahul is looking at Nisha. So, again the married person is looking for a person who isn’t married.

So considering the two assumptions we can say that yes from the given three options is Yes, No, or Cannot Be Determined – we can say that yes we can determine that at every point a married person is looking at a person who is not married.
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