Prime Sum of Nth Power Program

Prime Sum of Nth Power Program

Here, in this page we will discuss the program, we are given two numbers x and n, find a number of ways x can be expressed as prime sum of n-th power of unique natural numbers.
Prime Sum of nth Power Program

Method Discussed :

  • Method 1: Using Naive Approach
  • Method 2 : Efficient way
  • Method 3 : Recursive way

Method 1 :

  • Iterate through all number starting from 1.
  • Now, for every number we check if it is prime then go further,
  • Otherwise skip that number.
  • For every number, we recursively try all greater numbers and if we are able to find sum,
  • We increment result



Method 2 :

In this method we will discuss one of the efficient way for finding the prime sum of n-th power. For every such  numbers we first check all the number first it is prime or not.



Method 3 :

In this method we will discuss the recursive approach for finding the required number of ways.



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