C program to check a Character Is An Alphabet Or Not

Checking whether a Character is Alphabet or Not?

Here, in this page we will discuss program to check whether a Character Is An Alphabet Or Not in C. In C programming language a char type variable can store many different types of characters. Here we will see how to identify whether a character is alphabet or not using C programming language

Character is alphabet or not in C


In C programming language a char type variable can store many different types of characters-

  • Alphabets (a, b, c… )
  • Digits(1, 2, 3…)
  • Special characters(@, %, &…)

These characters are differentiated on the basis of ASCII values :

  • between 65 and 90 for upper case(A, B, C…)
  • between 97 and 122 for lower case(a, b, c…)

In here we will see how to identify whether a character is alphabet or not using C++ programming language.


  • Get user input
  • Check if input is between ‘A'(65) – ‘Z'(90) or between ‘a'(96) – ‘z'(122)
  • If True print ‘Yes’
  • If False print ‘No’

C code (method 1)

//C Program to find character is alphabet or not

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    char ch='9';

    if( (ch>='a' && ch<='z') || (ch>='A' && ch<='Z'))
        printf("The inserted character %c is an Alphabet", ch);
        printf("The entered character %c is not an Alphabet", ch);

    return 0;


The entered character 9 is not an Alphabet

You can also check the alphabet using the ASCII values of characters like this:

if((ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) || (ch >= 65 && ch <= 90))
    printf("The entered character %c is an Alphabet",ch);
    printf("The entered character %c is not an Alphabet",ch);

C code (method 2)

//C Program to find character is alphabet or not

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
   char ch='k';

  if( (ch>=97 && ch<=122) || (ch>=65 && ch<=90))
     printf("The inserted character %c is an Alphabet", ch);
    printf("The entered character %c is not an Alphabet", ch);
  return 0;


The entered character k is an Alphabet