Union/Union All in DBMS
Union in DBMS
Union clause used to combine the result-set of two or more select queries.
In this article, we will learn about Union/Union All in DBMS.

Customers table:
City | Country |
Thimpu | Germany |
Hyderabad | India |
Hyderabad | India |
Suppliers table:
City | Country |
London | UK |
California | USA |
Texas | USA |
Example for UNION/UNION All in DBMS
SELECT City FROM Customers UNION SELECT City FROM Suppliers ORDER BY City;
City |
Texas |
Thimpu |
London |
Hyderabad |
California |
Another Example for UNION/UNION All in DBMS
Selecting more than one column in the select query
Whenever more than one column is specified in the select clause then the combination of all the columns considered that is if both the values in the row are same then only this considered as a unique valueSELECT City, Country FROM Customers UNION SELECT City, Country FROM Suppliers
City | Country |
Texas | USA |
Thimpu | Germany |
Londona | UK |
Hyderabad | India |
California | USA |
UNION all in SQL
The only difference between UNION and UNION all Clause is that UNION removes duplicate values while comparing where UNION ALL allows duplicate values while combining
Example for UNION ALL
SELECT City, Country FROM Customers; UNION ALL SELECT City, Country FROM Suppliers
City | Country |
Thimpu | Germany |
Hyderabad | India |
Hyderabad | India |
Londona | UK |
California | USA |
Texas | USA |
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