Object Oriented Database Model
Object Oriented Model in DBMS
In DBMS, the object-oriented database model (OODB) is a way of organizing data that is based on the principles of object-oriented programming. In this model, data is represented as objects, which have both attributes (data) and methods (operations that can be performed on the data).
Object-oriented database model
In this article, we will learn about the Object-Oriented database model.
- In the increasing complexity of the application speed in the modern age, where we try to create real-time scenarios. Especially in Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning or Image processing, we need a database that can also represent the real work scenarios very clearly and hence it is solved by having an
object-oriented database model.
- In contrast to relational database management systems (RDBMSs), where data is stored in tables with rows and columns, an object-oriented database stores complex data and relationships between data directly, without mapping any links to relational rows and columns.

What object-orientation actually?
- The main idea in design is to maintain separate sets of memories that mean separate memory spaces for each and every individual row instead of collectively storing as all the rows in a single space
- As a result data independence is achieved so that all operations and transactions done in one data are independent and unaffected with other data today’s minimum as possible .
Some OODBMSs are designed to collborate with other programming languages (such as Java, Python, Perl, Delphi, Ruby, C#, Visual Basic .NET, C++, etc). Others have their own language of choice
- Versant Object Database by Actian
- Objectivity/DB by Objectivity
- ObjectStore by Ignite Technologies
- Caché by Intersystems
- ZODB by Zope
Advantages of OO design
- Data Hiding: Giving access to only required data at different levels of users
- Inheritance: data reusability
- Data security and integrity: Providing different levels of access to different levels of users using access modifiers, validations, authentication
- Polymorphism: Using the same object in different ways
- Encapsulation: Combining different data from different units into a consolidated one
Some DBMS are a hybrid of OODBMS and RDBMS, and are therefore referred to as object-relational databases (ORD)
You don’t need to know much more than this about this model. This is far too advanced and only used in top companies and is a piece of proprietary information.
Learn about different Data Models here on this page.
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