Largest Element in an array using C++

Largest Element in an array in C++

Today we will learn Largest Element in an array in C++. In this program we will find the maximum element of the array using iterative approach. We will initialize the starting element of array as largest one and compare with all other elements of the given array and update the largest value.


Largest Element in an array in C++

Here, we will discuss three different  methods to find the maximum element among the given elements of the array. Method discussed in this page are given below,

  • Method 1: Simple iterative solution
  • Method 2: Top-Down recursive approach
  • Method 3: Bottom-Up recursive approach

Method 1 :-

  • Take a variable say max_element and assign it with value INT_MIN.
  • Run a loop form [0, N-1] and check,
  • If(arr[i]>max_element) then, set max_element = arr[i]
  • At last print the value of max_element.
Largest number in an array in C++

Method 1 : Code in C++

using namespace std;

int main(){

  int arr[]={10, 89, 67, 56, 45, 78};
  int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
  int max_element = INT_MIN;

  for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ if(arr[i]>max_element)
      max_element = arr[i];


Output :


Method 2 (Using Recursion):

  • Create a recursive function say getmax(int arr[], int n)
  • Base condition : If(n==1) return arr[0]
  • Otherwise return max(arr[n-1], getmax( arr, n-1))

Method 2 : Code in C++

using namespace std;

//Recursive Function
int getmax(int arr[], int n){
   if(n==1) return arr[0];

   return max(arr[n-1], getmax(arr, n-1));
//Driver Code
int main(){

   int arr[]={10, 89, 67, 56, 45, 78};
   int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

   cout<<getmax(arr, n);

Output :


Method 3 (Using Recursion)

Call a function : maximum(int arr[], int i, int end)

  1. With initial call up values as maximum(arr, 0, end)
    1. Initially passing end as the index of last array element
    2. Initially passing ‘i’ as 0
  2. Recursively reach iteration where reading 2nd last element
  3. Find larger between 2nd last and last array elements
  4. And return the result to max value of the previous recursive iteration
  5. In each of the remaining recursive callups find the largest b/w current array index element and current max value
  6. Pass final max value from last recursive callup to main and print

Method 3 : Code in C++

using namespace std;

//Recursive Function
int maximum(int arr[], int i, int end)
   int max;

   if(i == end-1)
     return (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) ? arr[i] : arr[i + 1];

   max = maximum(arr, i + 1, end);

   return (arr[i] > max) ? arr[i] : max;
//Driver Code
int main(){

   int arr[]={10, 89, 67, 56, 45, 78};
   int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

   cout<<maximum(arr, 0, n-1);

Output :


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