C++ Program for Decimal to Octal Conversion

Program for Decimal to Octal conversion in C++

We are going. to understand how to code Decimal to Octal Conversion in C++ and different ways of coding Decimal to Octal in C++

The C++ program to convert decimal to octal number accepts a decimal number from the user. This number is further converted to its equivalent octal number after following a series of steps. The following section gives an algorithm for this conversion. It is then followed by a C++ program.

Decimal to Octal in C++

Methods discussed

  • Using an array to store the comparable octal value
  • Using int variable to store comparable octal value

Method 1

C++ Program to Convert Decimal to Octal new

C++ Code:-

using namespace std;

void convertOctal(int num)
    // creating an array to store octal equivalent
    int octalArray[32];
    // using i to store octal bit at given array position
    int i = 0;
    while (num > 0) {
        // resultant remainder is stored at given array position
        octalArray[i] = num % 8;
        num = num / 8;
    // printing octal array in reverse order
    for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
        cout << octalArray[j];
int main()
    int n = 148;
    return 0;



Method 2

Decimal to Octal Conversion in C++

C++ Code:-

using namespace std;

void convertOctal(int num)
    int octal = 0;
    int rem, i = 1;
        rem = num % 8;
        num /= 8;
        octal += rem * i;
        // moving to next position ex: units -> tens
        i *= 10;
    cout << octal;
int main()
    int decimal_num = 221;
    return 0;



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