C++ Program to Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal

Hexadecimal to Decimal in C++

All of us would remember Mark Watney, a botanist, who with the help of Hexadecimal escaped mars. In this post, we will do a little to write. a Program Hexadecimal to Decimal in C.

But, first we must understand what Hexadecimals are. Hexadecimal are number system with base 15. Generally, all addresses in memory are indexed in Hexadecimal format

Hexadecimal Range - (0, 15)

With numbers (0 - 9) represented as is

And 10 - A, 11 - B, 12 - C, 13 - D, 14 - E, 15 - F 
Working of HexaDecimal to Decimal in C++

Different methods covered in the post

We will cover the following methods to do the conversion –

  • Algorithmic approach
  • Using inbuilt methods

Method 1

In this method, we use the algorithm to find conversion from hexadecimal to decimal. The knowledge of ASCII is important. Please check the ASCII table here

Method 1 code in C++

// C++ Program for Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion
// C++ Program for Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion


using namespace std;

int convert(string num)
    int len = num.size();
    int dec = 0, index = 0;
    for(int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        // Here we check if current array char is between (0-9)
        if (num[i] >= '0' && num[i] <= '9') 
            // whenever current num[i] is in range '0' - '9' 
            // ascii int value can be fetched 
            // by subtracting 48 (Refer Ascii table) as ASCII val 0 : 48 
            int digit = int(num[i]) - 48; 
            dec += digit * pow(16, index); 

        // Here we check if current array char is between (A-F) 
        else if (num[i] >= 'A' && num[i] <= 'F') 
            // whenever current num[i] is in range 'A' - 'F' 
            // ascii int value can be fetched 
            // by subtracting 55 (Refer Ascii table) as 
            // ASCII val A : 65 and A must result 10 as value 
            int digit = int(num[i]) - 55; 
            dec += digit * pow(16, index); 
    return dec; 

int main() 
    string num; 
    cin >> num;
    cout << (convert(num));
    return 0;



Method 2

The below method uses inbuilt functions to calculate the decimal equivalent of a hexadecimal number

Here we use the stoi(hexaDecimal_in_string_format, 0, base_value) method

Method 2 code in C++

// Hexadecimal to decimal conversion using inbuilt methods in C++

using namespace std;
int main()
    string hexNumber;
    cin >> hexNumber;
    int base = 16;
    // format stoi(hexaDecimal_in_string_format, 0, base_value)
    cout << stoi(hexNumber, 0, base);
    return 0;



One comment on “C++ Program to Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal”

  • aditya pratap

    using namespace std;
    int main(){
    char num[]=”3B7″;
    int dec=0;
    int len=sizeof(num)-1;
    for(int i=len-1,power=0;i>=0;i–,power++){

    if(num[i]>=’0′ && num[i]=’A’ && num[i]<='F'){

    return 0;