Priority Queue Insertion and Deletion in C

C Program to Insert or Delete Element from Priority Queue

On this page we will discuss about Priority Queue Insertion and Deletion in C and how its implemented using arrays and write a program to insert and delete elements in the priority queue
Priority Queue Insertion and Deletion in C

Priority Queue Insertion And Deletion


A priority is basically an extension of the general queue. A major difference is that dequeuing happens based on the priority of each item in the queue. We have two types of priority queue –
  • Max Priority Queue – A larger priority value means higher priority
  • Min Priority Queue – A smaller priority value means lower priority
By default, if nothing is mentioned it means that the Priority queue is a min priority queue. A Priority Queue can be implemented using –
  • Arrays
  • Linked List
  • Heaps
You can check these pages here for implementation using Linked List and arrays We will be discussing the array approach here.


  • enqueue(): To insert a new item at the end of the queue.
  • dequeue(): To remove the element with the highest priority from the queue.
  • peek()/top(): To get the highest priority element in the queue without dequeuing the item.

Time Complexity

  • enqueue(): O(1)
  • dequeue(): O(n)
  • peek()/top(): O(n)

C Program for Inserting and Deleting elements in Priority Queue

// Write a program to insert and delete elements in the priority queue

#define MAX 100

// denotes where the last item in priority queue is
// initialized to -1 since no item is in queue
int idx = -1;

// pqData holds data for each index item
// pqPriority holds priority for each index item
int pqData[MAX];
int pqPriority[MAX];

int isEmpty ()
  return idx == -1;

int isFull ()
  return idx == MAX - 1;

// enqueue just adds item to the end of the priority queue | O(1)
void enqueue (int data, int priority)
  if (!isFull ())

      // Increase the index

      // Insert the element in priority queue
      pqData[idx] = data;
      pqPriority[idx] = priority;

// returns item with highest priority
// NOTE: Low priority number means higher priority | O(N)
int peek ()
  int maxPriority = INT_MAX;
  int indexPos = -1;

  // Linear search for highest priority
  for (int i = 0; i <= idx; i++)
      // If two items have same priority choose the one with 
      // higher data value 
      if (maxPriority == pqPriority[i] && indexPos > -1
	  && pqData[indexPos] < pqData[i])
	  maxPriority = pqPriority[i];
	  indexPos = i;
      // note low priority number means higher priority 
      // ex: Two processes P1 - 1 priority and P2 - 5 priority 
      // P1 will get executed first, thus comes out of ready queue first 
      else if (maxPriority > pqPriority[i])
	  maxPriority = pqPriority[i];
	  indexPos = i;

  // Return index of the element where 
  return indexPos;

// This removes the element with highest priority
// from the priority queue | O(N)
void dequeue ()
  if (!isEmpty ())
      // Get element with highest priority
      int indexPos = peek ();

      // reduce size of priority queue by first
      // shifting all elements one position left
      // from index where the highest priority item was found
      for (int i = indexPos; i < idx; i++)
	  pqData[i] = pqData[i + 1];
	  pqPriority[i] = pqPriority[i + 1];

      // reduce size of priority queue by 1

void display ()
  for (int i = 0; i <= idx; i++)
      printf ("(%d, %d)\n", pqData[i], pqPriority[i]);

// Driver Code
int main ()
  // To enqueue items as per priority
  enqueue (10, 1);
  enqueue (20, 3);
  enqueue (30, 4);
  enqueue (40, 5);
  enqueue (1000, 2);

  printf ("Before: \n");
  display ();

  // Dequeue the top element
  dequeue ();			// 10 dequeued
  dequeue ();			// 1000 dequeued

  printf ("\nAfter: \n");
  display ();

  return 0;


(10, 1)
(20, 3)
(30, 4)
(40, 5)
(1000, 2)

(20, 3)
(30, 4)
(40, 5)

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Circular Queues

Priority Queue

  • Application of Priority Queue
  • Priority Queue Example
  • Priority Queue Introduction – C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue Implementation using Array – C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue using Linked List – C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue Insertion and Deletion- C | C++ | Java


  • Introduction to Stack in Data Structure
    Click Here
  • Operations on a Stack
    Click Here
  • Stack: Infix, Prefix and Postfix conversions
    Click Here
  • Stack Representation in –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Representation of a Stack as an Array. –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Representation of a Stack as a Linked List. –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Infix to Postfix Conversion –
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  • Postfix to Prefix Conversion in –
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  • Queues in Data Structures (Introduction)
    Click Here
  • Queues Program in C and implementation
    Click Here
  • Implementation of Queues using Arrays | C Program
    Click Here
  • Types of Queues in Data Structure
    Click Here
  • Application of Queue Data Structure
    Click Here
  • Insertion in Queues Program (Enqueuing) –
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  • Deletion (Removal) in Queues Program(Dequeuing) –
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  • Reverse a Queue –
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  • Queues using Linked Lists –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Implement Queue using Stack –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Implement Queue using two Stacks –
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Circular Queues

Priority Queue

  • Application of Priority Queue
  • Priority Queue Example
  • Priority Queue Introduction –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue Implementation using Array –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue using Linked List –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue Insertion and Deletion-
    C | C++ | Java