Overloading increment and decrement operators in C++

Overloading ++/- – operators
Overloading Operator enhances the power of extensibility of C++.
It provides new meaning to most of the cplusplus operator.
Overloading increment and decrement operators in C++
- The operator that is overloaded is capable to provide special meaning to the user-defined data types as well.
- We can overload unary operators like ++,–etc to directly manipulate the object of a class
return_type::operator increment/decrementoperator_symbol(parameters) { // function definition }
Here operator is a keyword, increment/decrement operator symbol is the operator to be overloaded.
Overloading Prefix increment (++) operator
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class test { private: int i; public: test(): i(0) { }//initialise data memeber void operator ++() { ++i; } void display() { cout << "i:" << i << "\t"; } }; int main() { test t; // Displays the value of data member i for object t t.display(); // Invoke the operator function void operator ++( ) ++t; // Displays the value of data member i for object t t.display(); return 0; }
i:0 i:1
- Initially, when test t is declared, the value of data member i for object test t is 0 (constructor initializes i to 0).
- When ++ operator is called on the object t, operator function
void operator++( )
is invoked which increments the value of data member i to 1.
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