fprintf() & fscanf() in C programming

File Handling: fprintf() & fscanf() in C programming

FIle handling is an important feature in while storing data in device. It is done with the help of C programming. It helps in curbing with the problem of displaying large amount of data due to some console limitations. In this section we would talk about fprintf() & fscanf() in C programming.

fprintf() & fscanf() in C programming

fprintf()- It is used to write content or string into a file instead of stdout console.

fscanf()- It is used to read content or string from a file pointed by a file pointer into the stream.

fprintf&fscanf() memory diagram

Syntax of fprintf() :

int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *string, ...);

There are various parts of this syntax, they are mentioned below:

  • Stream- It is used to point to the File object that helps to find the stream in which data is to be written.
  • Format- It is used to write a string into the file pointed by the stream pointer. It can use embedded format tags that can be replaced by the values mentioned in subsequently added arguments.


int main (void) 
   FILE *new;
   new = fopen("sample.txt","w");
   fprintf(fileName, "%s %s %d", "Welcome", "to",  2023);
   return 0;

Syntax of fscanf() :

int fscanf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...) 

There are various part of the fscanf() syntax, they are mentioned below:

  • Stream- Its is used to as the file pointer to point where the output will end.
  • Format- Its is used as a string that contains various Format arguments.


   FILE *new;  
   char b[255];
   new = fopen("sample.txt", "r");  
   while(fscanf(new, "%s", b)!=EOF){  
   printf("%s ", b );  


Welcome to 2023

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