About bits/stdc++.h in C++

bits/stdc++.h in C++

On this page we will discuss about the header file bits/stdc++.h which is used in C++. It is a header file that includes a lot of standard C++ libraries in a single file. The header file bits/stdc++.h is usually found in the bits directory of the implementation of the GNU Standard C++ Library (libstdc++).

About bits/stdc++.h in C++

About bits/stdc++.h in C++

This header file is not part of the C++ standard library, but it is widely used in competitive programming because it saves the time and effort of including individual header files for each library that is needed.

Using bits/stdc++.h may make your code less portable because it includes a lot of implementation-specific header files. It is generally a good idea to include only the specific header files that you need in your code.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

Advantages of bits/stdc++.h

  • It saves time and effort by including a lot of standard C++ libraries in a single file.
  • It can be especially useful in competitive programming, where time is often a critical factor.
  • It can reduce the number of #include statements in your code, which can make your code more concise and easier to read.

Disadvantages of bits/stdc++.h

  • It includes a lot of header files that you may not actually need in your code. This can increase the compile time of your code and make your compiled binaries larger.
  • It is not part of the C++ standard library, and it may not be available on all systems or compilers.
  • It is generally a good idea to avoid using non-standard library extensions in your code to ensure maximum portability.

Implementation of bits/stdc++.h in C++

Example :

The following code shows the use of header file bits/stdc++.h :
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    // Use standard library functions and objects
    vector< int>v = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    sort(v.begin(), v.end());
    for (int x : v) {
         cout << x << " ";
         cout << endl;

    return 0;


1 2 3 4 5 
In this example, bits/stdc++.h is included at the top of the file. This allows the program to use standard library functions and objects, such as vector and sort, without explicitly including the individual header files for these libraries.

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