TCS CBO Salary
What is the TCS CBO salary ?
TCS CBO Salary details is on this page. This page here will help non – engineering students and non – science students to acquire a wholesome knowledge of about how much salary is offered in TCS CBO and important details related to TCS CBO Eligibilty criteria PAN India.
On an average TCS CBO offers a starting salary of RS 2.5 LPA to a fresher.
Help yourself to Go through this whole page and have a look to find out the how much is the slary offered by TCS CBO.

TCS CBO Salary 2021 and Eligibility
Following is the eligibility criteria of TCS CBO Exam conducetd and overlooked by the TCS Exam faternity.
Graduates from | BBA / BMS / B.COM / BA / BBM / BCS/BAF/BBI/BFM/BA – Journalism |
Year of Graduation | 2020 |
% Criteria | >60% throughout the academic career |
Additional Skills | 1. Basic Mathematics and Logical Reasoning Ability 2. Good keyboard skills |
Essential Skills | 1. Good Communication Skills (Spoken, Written) and interpersonal skills 2. Good analytical & logical reasoning skills 3. Willing to work in 24×7 environment (any shift) 4. Basic computer and systems skills 5. Ability to use various applications in PC (especially MS word, MS excel proficiency is very essential). |
What is TCS CBO?
TCS CBO is basically a business unit launched by TCS which is also known as TCS Cognitive Business Operation
TCS’ Cognitive Business Operations (CBO) provides an integrated service across Business Process and IT Infrastructure leveraging Cognitive technologies, Automation, IoT, Cloud and Agile practices to help enterprises reimagine business operations and deliver superior outcomes.
TCS CBO is an integration of Business Process Services and IT Infrastructure Services that helps enterprises reimagine business operations by leveraging Cognitive technologies, Automation, IoT and Cloud while adopting Agile practices.
TCS CBO Salary
TCS CBO also known as TCS Cognitive Business Operation hires through the online drives conducted by TCS Examination Faternity.
TCS CBO being a BPO offers jobs to young and dynamic individuals with good speaking and listening and analytical skills.
After Clearing TCS CBO written exam you will have to clear a personal interview round which will be generally a HR interview.
Now about the slaray offered on TCS CBO platform is below than what engineering graduates get but is the best in the market as compared with other BPOs and other BPO wings of different corporate. And Salary depends purely on how your personal interview has gone and how you have performed in it.
Last year that is in the year 2019according to the news provided to us by TCS itself TCS CBO gave an average starting salary of Rs 2.5 LPA to freshers.
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