Python String Methods

Python string methods

Python String Methods

Strings in Python are objects of the str data type, and they have a wide range of methods that allow you to manipulate and work with text data. Python has a couple of in-built methods which can be used to handle operations on string. Each method on a string does not alter the original string; instead, it returns a new string with the modified characteristics. 

Python String Methods

Some commonly used methods of string in Python: 

  • isalpha()
  • isdigit()
  • split()
  • replace()
  • upper()

Strings are highly versatile, and these methods allow you to perform a wide range of operations on them to manipulate and extract information from text data.

Method Description Example
capitalize() returns a string copy with the first letter in uppercase
>>> text="hello"
>>> text.capitalize()
casefold() returns a string copy with the all letter in lowercase
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.casefold()
center() returns a centered string copy
>>> text="HELLO"
count() returns number of occurences of a specific value in the given string
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.count('L')
encode() returns encoded version of the string
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.encode()
endswith() returns True if the given string ends with given value else returns False
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.endswith('O')
find() returns 0 if the given sub-string is present else returns -1
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.find('E')
index() returns the index of the element in the string, this method throws exception if the element is not present in the string.
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.index('E')
isalnum() returns True if the given string contains only alpha-numeric values
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.isalnum()
isalpha() returns True if string contains only alphabets
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.isalpha()
isdigit() returns True if the string contains only digits else returns False
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.isdigit()
isidentifier() returns True if the string only contains alphanumeric letters (a-z) and (0-9), or underscores (_). A valid identifier cannot start with a number, or contain any spaces.
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.isidentifier()
islower() returns True if the string contains all the characters are in lowercase
>>> text="hello1"
>>> text.islower()
isnumeric() returns True if all the characters in the string are numrical else returns False
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.isnumeric()
isspace() returns True if the string contains whitespaces only
>>> text="hello1"
>>> text.isspace()
isupper() returns True if the string contains all the characters are in uppercase
>>> text="HELLO1"
>>> text.isupper()
lower() returns a copy of string with all characters in lowercase
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.lower()
partition() returns a tuple with 3 strings partitioned by the argument
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.partition('L')
replace() returns a copy of string with a specific value replaced by another given value
>>> text="HELLO"
>>> text.replace("L","l")
split() returns a list of strings splited by whitespaces by default if no character is passed as arguments
>>> text="Hello Prepsters! Welcome to Python Tutorials "
>>> text.split()
upper() returns a copy of string with all characters in uppercase
>>> text="hello"
>>> text.upper()
Note : As Strings are immutable data types, all the string methods returns a copy of string instead of changing the original string as string data types cannot be changed after their creation.

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