clear() of Sets in Python

clear() of Sets in Python 

The clear() method removes all the elements present in a set. Basically it is used to clear the set. The clear() method is handy when you need to reset a set or remove all its elements to start with a clean slate.

clear() method does not take any parameters.

clear function in python

clear() of Sets in Python

In Python, the clear() method is used with sets to remove all elements from the set, leaving it empty. It essentially empties the contents of the set, making it a set with no elements.

Python Set clear()

Syntax :


Return Type :

The clear() method does not return any value.

#clear() in python set

set1 = {'P', 'Y', 'T', 'H', 'O', 'N' }

#all the values deleted from set 
Output :

{'T', 'O', 'H', 'N', 'P', 'Y'}

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