Calculate Length of the String using Recursion in Python

Length of the String using Recursion

On this page we will learn to create Python Program to calculate Length of the String using Recursion as well as Loop.

Note : That the given program counts any spaces present in string. For example, length of “Hi” is 2 but length of ” Hi” or “Hi ” is 3.

Example :

  • Input : PrepInsta
  • Output : length of PrepInsta is 9
  • Explanation : Length of PrepInsta is 9 as it has 9 characters in PrepInsta
Lenght of String using Python

Method 1 : Length of the String using Recursion


  • Start by passing the string to a function
  • If string is empty then return 0
  • Else return sum of 1 and recursive call of str[1:]
  • Print the returned value by function
Python Program to find Length of the String
To Learn more about Recursion   click here

Python Code

def length(str):
    if str == "":
        return 0
    return 1 + length(str[1:])

str = "PrepInsta"
print("length of", str, "is", length(str))
Output :

length of PrepInsta is 9

Method 2 : Using Loop


  • Strat by passing string to the function
  • Initialize a variable i = 0
  • Run a while loop until string is not empty
  • For each iteration increment the value of i by 1 and set the value of str to str[1:]
  • Return value of i & Print

Python Code

def length(str):
    i = 0
    while str != "":
        i += 1
        str = str[1:]
    return i

str = "PrepInsta"
print("length of", str, "is", length(str))
Output :

length of PrepInsta is 9

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