Subsets Leetcode Solution
Subsets Leetcode Problem :
Given an integer array nums of unique elements, return all possible subsets (the power set).
The solution set must not contain duplicate subsets. Return the solution in any order.
Example :
Input: nums = [1,2,3]
Output: [[],[1],[2],[1,2],[3],[1,3],[2,3],[1,2,3]]

Subsets Leetcode Problem Solution :
Constraints :
- 1 <= nums.length <= 10
- -10 <= nums[i] <= 10
- All the numbers of nums are unique.
- Input: nums = [0]
- Output: [[],[0]]
Idea to solve:
- This is a very common problem in backtracking which is known by Take it or Leave it.
- All we need to do is to create all possible sets, so for each node we will stand over it, we will have two main choices, one to create a set with that node, and the other is to create a set without this node, so after we finsh we will find that we have created all possible unique sets.
The solution depends on two main functions:
backTracking (res, nums, i, sz, sent)
parameters and return type
- This is a void function, which return nothing.
- It is a recursive one.
- res is the result matrix, we sent it by reference to store the sets in it.
- nums, is the given integer list.
- i which is the current index.
- sz, the size of the nums, but I sent it to not get the size in each call.
- sentr: it is a vector in which we insert the elements, till we reach the base case, then we insert the whole vector at the last case.
Base Case:
if the current index == size of the nums, then we have exceeded the array, and passed over all elements, so we just need to insert the sentr vector in the result matrix.
Recursive Logic:
- Insert the nums[i] in the sentr vector.
- Call the backtracking function, and in each call, send i + 1.
- After coming back, pop that element.
- Call the backtracking function again.
- Time complexity: O(N)
- Space complexity: O(N)

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Code :
class Solution { public: #define DPSolver ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0); void backTracking(vector< vector< int>> &res, const vector< int> &nums, int i, int sz, vector< int> &sentr) { if (i == sz) { res.push_back(sentr); return; } sentr.push_back(nums[i]); backTracking(res, nums, i + 1, sz, sentr); sentr.pop_back(); backTracking(res, nums, i + 1, sz, sentr); } vector< vector< int>> subsets(vector< int> &nums) { DPSolver; vector> res; int sz = nums.size(); vector< int> sent; backTracking(res, nums, 0, sz, sent); return res; } };
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; class Solution { void backTracking(List< List< Integer>> res, List< Integer> nums, int i, int sz, List< Integer> sentr) { if (i == sz) { res.add(new ArrayList< >(sentr)); return; } sentr.add(nums.get(i)); backTracking(res, nums, i + 1, sz, sentr); sentr.remove(sentr.size() - 1); backTracking(res, nums, i + 1, sz, sentr); } List> subsets(List< Integer> nums) { List< List< Integer>> res = new ArrayList< >(); int sz = nums.size(); List< Integer> sent = new ArrayList< >(); backTracking(res, nums, 0, sz, sent); return res; } }
class Solution: def backTracking(self, res, nums, i, sz, sentr): if i == sz: res.append(sentr) return sentr.append(nums[i]) self.backTracking(res, nums, i + 1, sz, sentr) sentr.pop() self.backTracking(res, nums, i + 1, sz, sentr) def subsets(self, nums): res = [] sz = len(nums) sent = [] self.backTracking(res, nums, 0, sz, sent) return res
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