Pow(x,n) LeetCode Solution

Pow(x,n) LeetCode Solution :

Implement pow(x, n), which calculates x raised to the power n (i.e., xn).

The function Pow(x, n) is typically used to calculate the result of raising a number x to a given exponent n. In other words, it calculates the value of x raised to the power of n. 

Pow(x,n) leetcode solution

Pow(x,n) LeetCode Solution :

Constraints :

  • -100.0 < x < 100.0

  • -231 <= n <= 231-1

  • n is an integer.

  • Either x is not zero or n > 0.

  • -104 <= xn <= 104

Pow(x,n) leetcode solution

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Code for Pow(x,n) LeetCode Solution : :

class Solution {
    double myPow(double x, long long n) {
        if(n < 0) {
            x = 1 / x;
            n = -n;

        double result = 1;
        double current_product = x;

        while(n > 0) {
            if(n % 2 == 1) {
                result = result * current_product;
            current_product = current_product * current_product;
            n = n / 2;

        return result;

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