Flipkart Interview Experience

Flipkart Interview Experience 2023

Flipkart interview experience is provided on this page. Go through this page to know all about Flipkart and the recruitment and interview process of Flipkart.

Page Highlights:-

  • About Flipkart
  • Flipkart Recruitment Process
  • Flipkart Interview Experience
  • Flipkart Interview Questions and Answers
flipkart interview

About Flipkart

Flipkart is an Indian e-commerce company. It is on of the most popular e-commerce site in India. The company was founded in 2007 by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, IIT Delhi alumni. The company is headquartered in Bangalore.

To know more about the company check out:- https://www.flipkart.com/

Flipkart Recruitment Process Breakdown

Round NameDetails
Level 1
  • Online MCQ round
  • Time duration:- 30 minutes
  • Topics Asked:- CS Fundamentals and DSA Concepts
Online Assessment
  • Time duration:- 90 minutes
  • No. of questions:- 3
Technical Interview 1
  • Time duration:- 60 minutes
  • No. of questions:- 2
Technical Interview 2
  • Time duration:- 60 to 90 minutes
  • No. of questions:- 2
flipkart recruitment process

Flipkart Interview Experience 2023

It was always my dream to get into a product-based company. My dream came true, when I got selected in Flipkart as an SDE intern. I am sharing my experience here so that you can get an idea on how to prepare for a company like Flipkart. 

I got into Flipkart through the Flipkart GRID 4.0, Flipkart Flagship Engineering Campus Challenge. I enrolled in it along with my two friends. There were totally four steps in the process:-

  1. Level 1 Round on Unstop
  2. Online Assessment
  3. Technical Interview 1
  4. Technical Interview 2

I will explain the process for each steps below:-

Level 1 Round on Unstop

It was conducted on Unstop. It was a thirty minute challenge where they asked Multiple Choice Questions. The topics that were asked in this round included Computer Science Fundamentals and DSA concepts.

There were in total around 1.5 lakhs team from all across India who participated in this round. From that around 1300 cleared the exam.

Online Assessment

Next was an online assessment round which was 90 minutes and there were coding questions asked in this round. There were in total three coding questions, the difficulty level was moderate. I was able to run all test cases and got shortlisted for the next round.

Technical Interview 1

The technical interview was conducted a few days after the assessment. It was not like a normal interview where they will ask questions. Instead it was also a coding round. 

I was given 60 minutes to solve two coding questions. There was two questions that was asked in this round. One question was of Dynamic Programming in Trees, the second was on Binary Tree.

The first question was pretty easy to solve, while the second question was difficult. It took some time to solve the second one, but I was able to clear them both.

Binary Tree Question

Question:- Postorder Tree Traversal in Binary Tree

// Program for tree traversal postorder in Binary Tree
// We are creating struct for the binary tree below
struct node
  int data;
  struct node *left, *right;

// newNode function for initialisation of the newly created node
struct node *newNode (int item)
  struct node *temporary = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof (struct node));
  temporary->data = item;
  temporary->left = temporary->right = NULL;
  return temporary;

// Here we print the postorder recursively
void postorder (struct node *root)
  if (root != NULL)
      postorder (root->left);
      postorder (root->right);
      printf ("%d ", root->data);

// Basic Program to insert new node at the correct position in BST
struct node *insert (struct node *node, int data)
  /* When there no node in the tree(subtree) then create 
   and return new node using newNode function */
  if (node == NULL)
    return newNode (data);

  /* If not then we recur down the tree to find correct position for insertion */
  if (data < node->data)
    node->left = insert (node->left, data);
  else if (data > node->data)
    node->right = insert (node->right, data);

  return node;

int main ()
  /* What our binary search tree looks like really 
     / \ 
    7  14
   / \ / \ 
  5  8 11 16 */
  struct node *root = NULL;
  root = insert (root, 9);
  insert (root, 7);
  insert (root, 5);
  insert (root, 8);
  insert (root, 14);
  insert (root, 11);
  insert (root, 16);

  printf ("The postorder is :\n");
  postorder (root);

  return 0;


The postorder is :
5 8 7 11 16 14 9

Technical Interview 2

This was the last round and conducted a week later. This was also an interview like the previous round where they asked two questions. It was also problem solving round and I was given one hour to solve both the questions. 

The first question was on strings, while the second question was on Dynamic Programming. Both the questions were of medium difficulty, and I was able to solve them easily. 

This was all about my Flipkart Recruitment Process and Interview Experience. I got the acceptance letter a few days later on my email.

Question:- Egg Dropping Puzzle

Given n numbers of eggs and a building with k number of floors. The building has a limit up to which if we drop, the egg does not break. We have to determine the minimum number of egg drops required to find the limit in the worst case.


  • Single line input containing two integers n & k.


  • Single integer the required number of egg drops.


Top Down Approach:

To build a top-down solution we must follow the following steps –

Break Down the Problem – Consider we have a function F(e,f) which outputs the minimum number of egg drops/attempts with e eggs required to find the limiting floor of a building with f floors. How to breakdown the problem? For every floor k in the building, we have two choices –

  • If the eggs break, then we recursively call for f(e-1,k-1) because we have 1 less egg and since the breaks, we know the required floor must be below it.
  • If the egg doesn’t break, then we recursively call for f(e,f – k) because we have the same number of eggs, and since the egg didn’t break we know our answer must lie above this floor. So, the number of floors above kth floor are f – k.

We will repeat this for k belonging to [ 1 , f ] .(Remember that we have to minimize the number of attempts in the worst case!) Answer for every k is the maximum of the above two options. since we have to minimize our overall answer, we will take the minimum out of every possible answer of every kth floor.

Find the base case –  The base case is the solution to the smallest known problem. The base cases are –

  • If we have 0 number of floors, then we require 0 egg drop to know whether the egg breaks or not.
  • If we have 1 number of floors, then we require 1 egg drop to know whether the egg breaks or not.
  • If we have 1 egg left, then in the worst case the limiting floor should be at the top and to determine it we will keep on throwing the egg from the bottom to top.

Check for optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems – It is easy to see that the problem can be broken down into smaller problems.

Bottom Up Approach:

The bottom-up solution is similar to the above. We create a dp table of size (n+1,k+1) and fill the base cases. After filling base cases we fill the table iteratively.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

const int N = 1005;

int memo[N][N];

//Top down (Memoization)

int solve(int eggs, int floors)



if we have only 0 floors => 0 attempts are required

if we have only 1 floor => 1 attempt is required


if (floors == 0 || floors == 1)

return floors;

if (eggs == 1)  // Worst Case for 1 egg is => we start dropping the egg from the bottom

return floors;

if (memo[eggs][floors] != –1)

return memo[eggs][floors];

int ans = INT_MAX;

for (int i = 1; i <= floors; i++)


int op1 = 1 + solve(eggs – 1, i – 1);  // If the egg breaks

int op2 = 1 + solve(eggs, floors – i); // If the egg doesn’t breaks;

int curr = max(op1, op2);

ans = min(ans, curr);


return memo[eggs][floors] = ans;


int bottomUp(int eggs, int floors)


int dp[eggs + 1][floors + 1];

for (int egg = 1; egg <= eggs; egg++)


dp[egg][0] = 0; // for 0 floors

dp[egg][1] = 1; // for 1 floor


for (int floor = 2; floor <= floors; floor++)


dp[1][floor] = floor;


for (int egg = 2; egg <= eggs; egg++)


for (int floor = 2; floor <= floors; floor++)


int ans = INT_MAX;

// Similar to above top down procedure

for (int i = 1; i <= floor; i++)


int op1 = 1 + dp[egg – 1][i – 1];

int op2 = 1 + dp[egg][floor – i];

int curr = max(op1, op2);

ans = min(ans, curr);


dp[egg][floor] = ans;



return dp[eggs][floors];


int main()


memset(memo, –1, sizeof memo);

int eggs, floors;

cin >> eggs >> floors;

cout << solve(eggs, floors) << endl;

cout << bottomUp(eggs, floors) << endl;

return 0;



3 5

This was all about my Flipkart Interview Experience. I got the confirmation email a few days later. I will be joining Flipkart in Bangalore, and I am very excited for it.

FAQs on Flipkart Interview Experience

Question: How to prepare for Flipkart Interview?


Flipkart is a product-based company, hence the interviews are more focused on practical skills and ability to solve programming questions. To prepare for Flipkart interview, you should have good programming knowledge, and be able to solve complicated problems.

Question: How many rounds are there in the Flipkart Interview?


Like most product based company, Flipkart will also have anywhere between 2 to 4 interview rounds. This includes technical interviews, managerial interview and a final HR interview.

Question: What is the salary of Flipkart SDE?


The starting salary of a Flipkart SDE is 22 lpa.

Question: Is Flipkart interview difficult?


Like most product based companies, Flipkart will also have tricky questions. The interviewer will focus more on your knowledge and skills. Candidates who have certifications and projects will get have a better chance in passing these interviews.

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